Radio edutalk

Edutalk has now been running for over 2 years, we have published over 300 pieces of educational audio. These vary from TeachMeet recording, through to personal reflection by way of pupil podcasts. Hopefully theses provide interesting and educational listens.

One of the things that David and I talked about when we started EDUtalk was issuing a CD rom of recordings, this would perhaps have helped to keep older, still valuable, audio playing.

One of my thoughts about podcasts is that older episodes get forgotten about in a way that old blogs posts, through searching, do not.

REcently I’ve been reading about and listening to ds106 Radio and Stephen’s Downes’ Ed Radio. These are Internet radio stations. My interest was also stimulated by my daughter who is currently doing some pro bono work for Airing Pain « Pain Concern a podcast and internet radio.

I’ve alway believed (and gone on about) one of the benefits of podcasting over radio is its asynchronously. The potential audience for internet radio would seem to be less. A few things have made me think again:

A comment on Stephen Downes – Google+ about ED Radio:

That's the intent of Ed Radio, it's not something you really focus on, it's more background where you listen while you work & where something may or may not catch your attention.

Somewhere else, Stephen wrote about the interesting challenge of broadcasting to no listeners. Can’t find the quote at the moment.

on broadcasting to radio #ds106 | D’Arcy Norman dot net

How does the ability to instantly broadcast live audio to a group of people impact what we do? How does this instant synchronous connection effect the sense of social presence? And how does having to make the decision of streaming vs. recording effect the experience of sharing?

I’ve also been impressed by the quality of internet radio when streaming to a phone on g3 as well as wifi. So we though we would give this a go

How to

There are various posts on the how to set up a station but I basically went to Internet Radio Servers and set up an Icecast server on pay as you go. I then followed CogDog Guide to Nicecasting – CogDogBlog to test Nicecast. You can use Nicecast to broadcast from iTunes or a mix of iTunes and voice or even iTunes, voice and Skype. You can use Nicecast for an hour at a time for free and pay when you have tested it. I am using it on test mode at the moment. I have also tested the AutoDJ set up, where the station just streams from a set of mp3 you have uploaded via ftp. this seems to works well. Instructions on Internet Radio Servers are straightforward.

I’ve briefly tested Papaya Broadcaster a £2.99 iPhone & iPad app this seem to do the trick. allowing you to broadcast on the move.

A Plan

The costs at the moment £5 a month to host the AutoDJ files and £5 per 10GB broadcast. I am figuring with only a few listeners it will only be £10 a month to broadcast for an hour or so each night, using a variety of sources.

We have a few loose ideas of what to broadcast:

  • Broadcasting sets of audio from the Edutalk Archive on AutoDJ 7:30 to 8:30 each night. The hope is that folk will have it on in the background listening for serendipitous educational audio. I’ve not really worked out the queuing of the audio but will select some and mix then up every day or two. So far I’ve downloaded and converted to the correct samplerate & bitrate over 60 files.
  • Once a week on Wednesdays David and I will attempt some sort of skpye in show where folk can skype in for a chat, we still have to test this. This can be recorded and fed back into Edutalk as a podcast.
  • Curated sets from the Archive, using nicecast and iTunes, possibly opening it up to guest hosts.
  • Live event broadcasts, for example from a TeachMeet using Papaya Broadcaster.
  • Anything else we can dream up or is suggested…

Tech Tips (for geeky teachers)

It seems that you need to use files that all have the same sample rate, bitrate and number of channels. I’ve started off with 60-70 files downloaded from Edutalk , the problem is these do not all have the same sample rate, bitrate and number of channels This can be dome by opening and exporting the files from Audacity, or exporting them from iTunes. This could take quite a while. A quick google found a script for the Lame lib (That is used by Audacity to export mp3s), You need to instal Lame so that it is available for command line use, this sort of stuff can be daunting but worth it as a time saver.

What I did was open the Terminal, navigate to the folder full of mp3s (on a mac you can type cd and then drag a folder onto the terminal window), then you just put this int othe terminal window and hit return:

mkdir save && for f in *.mp3; do lame -m m -b 128 –resample 44.1 "$f" ./save/"${f%.mp3}.mp3"; done

What that does is make a new folder save inside the mp3 folder, then use lame to convert all the mp3s in the folder into new files in the save folder that all have a bitrate of 128, a sample rate of 44.12 and are mono files. Well worth doing if only to avoid having to see asave dialog 60 times.

How to listen

between 7:30 and 8:30 head over to Radio Edutalk – EDUtalk. A flash player should start when the page opens. There are also buttons to listen with winamp, Windows Media player, Real player or QuickTime. Hit the title song to open in iTunes.

I’d love to hear what folk think, ideas for broadcasts or cc licensed audio that could be played.

I love the example of the Bay Bridge in San Francisco. A decision was made in the 1990s to replace half the bridge, and rebuild the other half. And all this had to be done while the bridge, which is core to the flow of life in the Bay Area, continued to function. The human species is good at this kind of evolution. And when all is said and done, there will be a new bridge where the old one stood, and the people who travel over it will not remember that there was another bridge here, or care

Neither hardware nor software excite me very much, after whatever brief (and usually painful) novelty has worn off.

Good interface design is as transparent as possible, because I don’t want to have to think about it. I just want to write, or do whatever else I’m doing, and not have to think about whatever I’m doing it on.

Timely from my point of view reminder. Although I am excited about hardware & software.

I’ve spent a fair bit of time mulling over this post: Laurie O’Donnell » Glowing into the Future and writing a comment. This turned into more of a post than a comment.

Laurie’s post was originally published in the TESS Glowing into the future may be easier said than done – News – TES and I am grateful that he also blogged it as I don’t read the TES.

I am pulling some quotes out of context, and order, and adding my 2d worth, if you have not already done so I recommend reading the post.

It is interesting to get the perspective of someone who is at the other end of the ranks than myself and who has a different viewpoint and a lot more knowledge of the bigger picture than I have.

The mainstream tools that are available free on the internet are fine, but to be usable in an educational context they should work off a single directory. It is also important that your stuff can be found easily irrespective of where and how it was created. Culture, confidence, practice, behaviours and engagement are also important but so is having the right tools, in the right place at the right time. Today’s open tools far too often become tomorrow’s commercial services. In many free services, such as Facebook, the user is less ‘the customer’ and more ‘the product’, with their personal data (preferences, pictures, contacts and habits) up for sale to the highest bidder. Not so bad if you sign-up for this as a private individual but perhaps not something the Scottish Government should be doing on behalf of our children.

I too fear the idea of our pupils becoming the product for someone to sell. I also like the single directory/signon, this must be made as simple as facebook (logon with facebook) but as secure as glow.

The Cabinet Secretary calls for a solution that is not based on ‘big companies investing in big projects’ but all the options on the eduscotict wiki appear to centre on either a Google or Microsoft based cloud solution.

I’ve long be of the opinion that a ScotEduTube would be no bad thing.I’d like to see Glow become a centre connecting the best of breed free and paid for stuff hosted on national servers. When I think of using Open Tools, I think of things like wordpress, or an open source wiki that can be hosted and controlled, rather than using services that become tomorrow’s commercial services.

The best thing about Glow, in my opinion, was it got around the various worries about safety and access to tools that beleaguer the use of ICT in the classroom. When blogs were added to glow there was no need for a discussion as to the validity of using them as they carried the stamp of national approval.

Everybody that I know has been arguing for many years that Glow needed to change radically, despite the fact that it already incorporates some of the same open source collaborative tools that will feature prominently as part of the new approach.

These tools surely were added because we argued that glow needed to change radically. Unfortunately they way they were added was fairly clunky and limited the tools. For example the blogs are limited to a handful of themes and plugins. The way that they are connected to ones glow account precluded the use of the MetaWebBlogApi and there use on mobile devices.

Given that, the folk who I’ve introduced blogs to have mainly needed help with the initial setup in the portal rather than working the blog once it has been setup.

I might be coming over as a glow naysayer but I am not, Glow has been my main occupation for the last few years, I’ve created a ton of groups, helped and trained lots of teachers and logged on 100s of pupils. I appreciate the fact that glow gave ict in education a huge push and was well resourced though the local and national governments.

We might not have reached the ambition of having every student, every teacher and every parent using Glow every day but the level of engagement dwarfs the number of people who have contributed to the largely disappointing #eduscotict wiki that was set-up following the announcement.

It might be a wee bit disingenuous to compare the levels of engagement of a short term wiki with a long term project that had a huge effort from LAs across Scotland and with many LTS & RM folk facilitating this engagement. Given the time frame, the fact that most Scottish teachers have never interacted on a public website or edited a Wiki I think we got the sort of response I’d expect.

I encouraged all the local ICT co-ordinators here to contribute, none, to my knowledge did. Some told me they had tried but found the level of technical language impenetrable and off-putting. Although many teachers have used glow to facilitate their children’s learning there are comparatively few who engage in online discussions inside or outside glow. If you compared the number of teachers who had contributed to a glow discussion or forum in the same timeframe as the #eduscotict wiki it might be a fairer comparison?

I do worry, as I believe Laurie does, that this #eduscotict initiative is moving very quickly. I do worry that a slanted picture of needs will emerge. To open up this debate to colleagues across Scotland would need more channels that seem to have been provided.

I wonder if this lack of participation, and inclusion of view for all sectors may set up the same category of problem as Glow 1. To my eyes (very much a particular perspective) the conceit and concept of glow was outstanding, the work done in bringing in LAs across Scotland was groundbreaking. The problems arose from the implementation, the software chosen. I wonder how long the decision makers tested sharepoint, I wonder how many teachers were invited to test, in real classrooms, how it was supposed to work, or were the decisions taken on demos, walkthroughs and pre built examples. I hope that when deciding on the new solution the decision makers test things at same time as full-time teaching, I wonder if they can do it in the time available?.

The way #EDUScotICT seems to panning out is that we are getting more opinion from troops on the ground, but perhaps we are getting it from a quite small sub-set of these troops: the specialists, the ones who are experienced in using online tools the believers who will go the extra mile to get thing working. The challenge for the government is to expand the debate.

Although the eduscotict / ICT Summit has overtaken this post, and I’ve probably changed my mind on some of the above, I thought I’d post his before starting to think about this afternoon’s discussion.

The other big realization he had was that he can’t always build the right thing. I think Larry Tesler might have struck some kind of chord in Bezos when he said his mom couldn’t use the goddamn website. It’s not even super clear whose mom he was talking about, and doesn’t really matter, because nobody’s mom can use the goddamn website. In fact I myself find the website disturbingly daunting, and I worked there for over half a decade. I’ve just learned to kinda defocus my eyes and concentrate on the million or so pixels near the center of the page above the fold.

A lesson for #EDUScotICT I think. Amazon can have a site that is tricky for folk to use because people really want the service. They really want to buy that book, hard drive or whatever. Glow on the other hand is not something people really want so it has to be a lot more usable and accessible.

This is the transcript of a podcast episode I posed at edutalk: #EDUScotICT small things

I had put my name down to talk for 3 minutes at the EDUscotICT conference on the 17th of October. I didn't get picked. The mail rejecting me suggested that I posted a presentation anyway. This is it, at least I am not limited to 3 minutes.

I've now seen the list of speakers and topics they will talk about, they sound great big important stuff, I want to try and make sure we don't miss the small stuff, the detail.

I had put down that I'd talk about the section "Implement the next generation of Glow, built upon freely available tools and services, and open source hosted solutions" I had "Some thoughts about software, open source, Glow 1 & paid for. From the point of view of making the tech as invisible and future proof as possible."

I had what I was going to say worked out in my head, but I had a real rethink last week, just after I read about the death of Steve Jobs and just before I got my rejection mail.

I have never really been a Steve Jobs fanboy, in fact the reason I got really interested in computers, HyperCard, was steved, abandoned, when Mr Jobs returned to Apple, but by that time I was a mac user and do appreciate the way the mac and ios platforms have developed.

I am also not a glow hater, I've trained and helped 100s of pupils and teachers get onto glow. I've seem some outstanding practice using glow. The majority of my working day for the past couple of years has involved glow and promoting it.

Last year I went to the Technologies for Learning Workshop #eddif blogged here a great discussion of how ict could develop in Scotland. On that occasion, as it recall, I tried to talk about interface and design but I felt that attempting to bring up this was sidetracked, as if the mistakes of glow one, now seen, would ensure a good user experience for the next one. I don't think it will not unless someone sweats every pixel to make glow work better.

For quite a while this mantra has been popular among educational technologists:

It is not the Tech it is the Teach 1

I think the tech does need to be discussed, and more importantly the User Experience needs to be discussed.

We can best use technology to teach when the tech is invisible. The problem with glow as it was all too visible.

The function of a hotel is a place to sleep and eat, what we remember and the reason we return is the user experience.

So Steve Jobs, here is a wee quote:

Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it's really how it works. The design of the Mac wasn't what it looked like, although that was part of it. Primarily, it was how it worked. To design something really well, you have to get it. You have to really grok what it's all about. It takes a passionate commitment to really thoroughly understand something, chew it up, not just quickly swallow it. Most people don't take the time to do that. 2

We need that sort of attention to detail, if ICT is going to be used invisibly, if we are going to get on with the teach.

I am an iPhone user, I've watch the system change, seen features added, not when they were asked for but when they work properly. The first iphone software couldn't copy text, this essential feature was not added until Steve Jobs, or Apple, decided that it worked really well.

I am also a user of many of the online web 2.0 services that have been suggested as glow replacements, a lot of these have far better user experiences than glow. We should learn from and use them or the user experience they give. One reason that many of these tools work is that they are constantly evolving.

Jobs famously said:

You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new. 3

One of the problems with Glow 1 was it was feature locked, recently new features were added but the inherent difficulties with the portal made these additions harder to use than was necessary.

I want a couple of things

  1. I don't know what sort of technology I'll want to learn and teach with in a few years. I want to be able to use new services and techniques as they arise.
  2. I also want to be able to alter and change these tools that some folk are excited about. Give me a wordpress blog, but one I can change, hack, repurpose add plugins and theme when needed, easily without fuss.

A couple of recent #EDUScotICT tweets spring to mind:

Kenny Pieper @kennypieper:

#EduScotIct Teachers not resistant to ICT 'cause of Glow. They're resistant to ICT 'cause they're resistant to ICT. Blaming Glow is tiresome

Robert Jones @jonesieboy

Sharepoint for glow was a terrible mistake. We all know it. Those with vested interests will never admit it. Time to move on #eduscotict

I think we have to:

  1. remove the excuse and
  2. remember and learn from the mistakes as we move on.

It's not the Tech, it's all about the Teach – Ewan McIntosh | Digital Media & Learning seemd to be a quote from David Warlick "Can you teach? The answer is hopefully ‘yes’. Why then do we forget to teach when we are thinking about technology. Stop thinking about the Tech, think about the Teach."


Steve Jobs: The Next Insanely Great Thing By Gary Wolf The Wired Interview.
Found via This: Dianamania is a slur on Jobs • The Register

2.The Entrepreneur of the Decade | Motivating Employees Article |

Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it’s really how it works. The design of the Mac wasn’t what it looked like, although that was part of it. Primarily, it was how it worked. To design something really well, you have to get it. You have to really grok what it’s all about. It takes a passionate commitment to really thoroughly understand something, chew it up, not just quickly swallow it. Most people don’t take the time to do that.

Steve Jobs: The Next Insanely Great Thing By Gary Wolf The Wired Interview.

Found via This Dianamania is a slur on Jobs • The Register

I think this is at the heart of #EDUScotICT: how it will works. Was going to be part of my 3 minutes if I had been picked. At the Boathouse meeting last year I felt that attempting to bring up this was sidetracked, as if the mistakes of glow one, now seen, would ensure a good user experience for the next one. It will not unless some one will sweat every pixel to make glow work better.

Having failed to find time to post about various interesting things at SLF this year, this is more of a link list.


As usual I enjoyed and got a great deal from talking to colleagues and friends from all over Scotland. There was certainly a feel of the Festival having been cut back in space and attendance. The keynotes not using the Armadillo I watched the Minister’s opening on a screen in the main hall. Not being one who can parse political stuff the only comment I have is he left a lot open to discussion.

A couple of seminars I went to:

Shipbuilding Glow Pilot Project – Testing the Waters Maeve Dixon () Learning Development Officer, Clydebank Museum) a lovely big school project involving:

  • real stuff the museum
  • real people ex shipbuilders
  • lots of in school making and doing, a huge ship launch for parents
  • virtual stuff, glow meets with the museum and a glow group

Games Design Transition Project Charlie Love, Principal Teacher, Cults Academy

David Muir gives good coverage of several seminars: EdCompBlog: Scottish Learning Festival

I didn’t get much from the reduced trade show this year most interesting stalls for me were where I had a good chat about IOs and language learning with Mark Pentleton a source of info way beyond his business offering Radio Lingua

I also enjoyed talking to Gerry Queen, Ruth Washbrook and David S. C. Griffith about Moving Image Education I recodes a couple of quick boos: Scotland on Screen and MIE for EDUtalk. David went on to provide me with a great deal of food for though that I’ll be following up at: Scotland on Screen, Languages on Screen – Home Page and Screening Shorts.


Probably the smoothest organisation of any teachmeet I’ve been to. I posted a quick boo the next day: TeachMeet SLF11.

TeachMeet SLF11 (mp3)

There are a good deal of presentations, audio etc coming on line at: Teachmeet SLF2011 – Teachmeet SLF2011 Posts and I am posting to EDUtalk – Filed under ‘tmslf11’ as fast as I can chop up the audio.

There is also a good deal of post party discussion about TeachMeet both on twitter and blogs:

Where I put in my 2d worth.

A lotof the informal & valuable chat I had with a pile of folk swung round the forthcoming changes in Glow (see the eduscotict wiki). I missed the #tmslf11 – Round Table – Glow: Love it/Hate it/Want it but from Drew Burrett’s post a lot of sense was collected.