“Godfather of AI” Geoffrey Hinton Warns of the “Existential Threat” of AI | Amanpour and Company – YouTube

That’s a very different threat from many other threats, which also severe.
So they include these things like robots taking away jobs.
In a decent society, that would be great.
It would mean everything got more productive and everyone was better off.
But the danger is that it’ll make the rich richer and the poor poorer.
That’s not AI’s fault.
That’s how we organize society.

Following up on comment and links from Dan Kelleher. I listened to this video. Quite a different take from Professor Bender’s. A different set of warnings and problems. The quote above is not just about the dangers that Geoffrey Hinton discusses, but I think is applicable to many technology problems, In a decent society, that would be great.

Grid of photos, from Top Left: Bog Cotton; Sput Ban; Ben Oss over the Allt Oss; Ben Oss near the top; map showing there photos were taken; Loch Oss; Cloudberry flower; Sea Eagle soaring on blue sky;Stonechat sitting on bracken
Before I’d even reached the sheep creep under the railway it was a good day. Warblers singing, swallows swooping, a large golden olive dragonfly shone in the sun. A buzzard flew over. The opposite of soul destroying. More notes & photos on the walkmap

Bookmarked Building a Block-Based Microblog by Jan Boddez.

IndieBlocks, which I am using to post this, is an alternative to the Post Kinds plugin that works with the block editor instead of classic.

I am still using mostly using classic on this blog as it seems the right tool for the job. But WordPress’s future seems to be blocks. I like the ui for bookmarks etc in IndieBlogs and guess I can ignore most of the blocks editor features.

I am a bit conflicted as to how switching approaches would work. For example Post Kinds adds an extra taxonomy for different kinds of post, IndieBlocks uses custom post types. I’ve got 7 years of post kinds posts here. I’ve also some styles based on the kinds.

I lean towards taxonomies over custom posts. This probably due to an over enthusiastic use of custom post kinds a few years back.

I think I prefer the incorporation of the link, author & quote into the main entry in IndieBlocks.

Good to have choices I guess 😉