After seeing @adders on posting some timelapse I though I might have another go. My first thought was to just use the feature built into phone. I then though to repurpose a raspberry pi. This lead to the discovery that two of my PIs were at school leaving only one at home with a camera. This we zero had dome sterling service taking over 1 million pictures of the sky and stitching them into 122918 gifs and posting them to tumblr. I decommissioned that when tumblr started mistaking these for unsuitable photos.

My first idea were just write a simple bash script that would take a pic and copy it to my mac. I’ve done that before, just need to timestamp the image names. Then I found RPi-Cam-Web-Interface. This is really cool. It turns your pi into a camera and a webserver where you can control the camera and download the photos.

I am fairly used to setting up a headless pi and getting on my WiFi now. So the next step was just to follow all the instructions from the RPi-Cam-Web-Interface page. The usual fairly incomprehensible stuff in the terminal ensued. All worked fine though.

I then downloaded the folder full of images onto my mac and stitched them together with ffmpeg.

ffmpeg is a really complex beast, I think this worked ok:

make a list of the files with

for f in *.jpg; do echo "file '$f'" >> mylist.txt; done

then stitch them together:

ffmpeg -r 10 -f concat -i mylist.txt -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4

I messed about quite a bit, resizing the images before starting made for a smaller move and finally I

ffmpeg -i -vf scale=720:-2 outscaled.mp4

To make an even smaller version.

I am now on the look out for more interesting weather or a good sunset.

Reposted Sonia Livingstone on Twitter (Twitter)
“As “our anxiety about future scenarios and inequalities during lockdown excarberates, we may want to use this time to engage in a wider (digital) conversation about the values we want technologies to enact and the kinds of literacies our children may need””

Virtual schooling, Covid-gogy and digital fatigue


Bookmarked Etherpad’s Video Conferencing security: What do we do differently to Zoom? – John McLear (
That’s the honest truth about modern software, it’s vulnerable. It’s ALL vulnerable so you have a choice to use something that is honest about it’s vulnerabilities or hides behind the door of closed source providing an ignorance is bliss situation.

Some great information and food for thought, @johnmclear is not trying to sell the product. Relevant to @dgilmour’s link to creativecommons & #OER I don’t think this is the time to pivot tools, but one to keep in mind.

Replied to Athole on Twitter (Twitter)
“I’m very concerned about the stream of stories about safeguarding issues with Zoom. The dangers of a ‘free tech tool.’ My grade safeguarded student video conf participation (adult in room etc) but the software itself seems fundamentally flawed. Thoughts / suggestions?”

I wonder about Etherpad which I just found out has video. Free, but without the problem of “commercial free”.  Not sure about security cc @johnmclear

Zoom seems a bit of an ethical & security disaster but I think there are plenty of other worries around equity of support, environment and devices.

Etherpad being open source is certainly a positive.

Ive used etherpad in the past, a quick test of the video version shows it works fine on iPad and iPhone. A moot point for me as I think North Lanarkshire will be instructions us to use Teams.

In a primary setting I think there is a lot more to think about around video conferencing, at the moment I don’t think it is a golden bullet for our current problems.