Screenshot of map in Trails app

I am on the search for a replacement app. One that shows were I am & records a gpx track for a walk. I want to simple AirDrop this track to my mac for geotagging photos and making maps.

I’ve used Trails app since 2009 & love it. Pay my sub every year with delight.

Recently it is crashing a bit. Today it is not on the App store & this note on the forum: App no longer available after update ios 16.3.1.

Suggestions most welcome.

4 thoughts on “Looking for a Replacement for Trails

  1. My son Jeremy replied Pedometer ++ might work
    and I see it on the App Store ?
    Jeremy is really great iOS and MacOS programmer by the way. He supervises about 10 programmers working for UMASS Amherst but is living in Colorado. They make socially important apps for police departments to manage clients on the streets and they also make educational apps for incarcerated students. Apple has recruited him but he’s resisted because he wants control over where he lives-his fiancée is in 2nd Med school in Colorado. But apple recently gave them $1,000,000 to create a new version of their incarcerated student app from the ground up that is running in an integrated way on iOS iPad AND MacOS to facilitate teachers creating their own content – previously they created the content.
    Here are 3 URLs from about 5 years ago about Jeremy’s work while he was an undergrad at UMass Amherst:
    The last is an iCloud link which they say lasts only to 5-13-23.

    • Hi Dan,
      Thanks, I’ve downloaded Pedometer++ Not found GPS export yet, but I’ll test it today. Tried Trail tracker Yesterday and it does a simple version of what I want.

      Jeremy’s videos look great. The app for learners looks like it would be a great one. I wonder if it will be available for the non incarcerated? I presume that it will work off line with the contents of the ‘books’ to make it less problematic for institutions?
      Quite a lot of my pupils (9-11 year olds) enjoy working in split view, with a webpage on one side and keynote on the other in a similar fashion so would enjoy working with the app.

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