Replied to #tdc4067 #ds106 Verify that you’re not a robot- V2 by ReverendReverend (

The first reCAPTCHA was simply checking a box or retyping a word. They’ve had to improve the technology to keep ahead of the scammers, bots and other nefarious digital villains out there. Need a laugh after a frustrating day on the web? Check out this YouTube video,”Verifying that you’re not a robot“, a hilarious personification… Read more »

Not a robot #tdc4067 #ds106

Gif of kung fu fighter punching through google captcha

I took an old gif I made back in 2014 and added the captcha frame.

This gif exported from looped live photo in Photos app. 640 x 479 & weighed in at 12.9 MB

This one was exported from Fireworks, branches frozen, 600 x 449, colours taken down to 128 and loss set to 128. it is 841KB according to the finder. ♥︎ Fireworks, even as it fades.