My blog is 20 years old. In those 20 years I’ve changed urls, software & the focus has wandered. My first post was on this date 2005. According to the dashboard I’ve made 4,383 Posts. My most common tags are classroom, blogging, WordPress, walk, fauna & flora.
Glow Blogs – Site Editing Adventure

Recently I saw a post on Doug Belshaw’s Thought Shrapnel pointing to a nice 3 column layout for a blog.
Doug wondered :
If you’re reading this and know of a similar blog theme, on any platform, could you let me know?
I thought it would be possible to use the Site Editor on a WordPress block theme and left a comment.
I’ve been watching quite a few WordPress videos from Jamie WP. I especially like his Remaking Famous Websites playlist. So I thought it might be possible to make a WordPress site that looked a bit like
Jamie does these in 30 minutes. This took me longer, but I’ve not a whole lot of experience with the site editor. I decided to use Glow Blogs. It is free and easy for me to set up a site there. I serve as part time product owner so this is good practise. The disadvantage is that I can’t install any extra plug-ins or add any custom css1. Glow Blogs also runs a version or so behind
I only did enough to see where I could go easily. I didn’t attempt to match styles or other features.
I got as far as Three Columns, this is not finished or polised but I managed:
- 1. a home page with some static content and a left hand navigation.
- a posts page with the same left hand column. A second column listing the posts and loading the latest post in the third column.
- finally a single post page with the same first two columns. The post tapped or clicked in the second column showing in the third.
To do this I created three page templates2. All are inside columns. All have the same first column. So I made that one as a pattern3. The second column is used twice, so I made another pattern for that. This stopped me having to fix the same thing in different places. I think this is the right approach.
I’ve ignored mobile and other possible pages. I didn’t touch archive, views for categories and tags for example . My aim was to spend a couple of hours on this.
I had trouble with a few things.
- I had edited the Front Page Template, which should be used for the posts page. This didn’t show up. When I edit the posts page and then edit the template I see my 3 column. Unfortunately the live page still uses the old template. So given my time limit I just made another page to act as the posts page and made an ‘All posts’ template for that. This has a query loop in the second column, acting as an index for the posts.
- The second column on the Posts & single post page should ideally scroll all of the posts. Probably inside a fixed height block with lazy load.
- I think I should have used Template parts when I used patterns. but the result seems the same.
- I am not sure how to hilight the posts selected in the second column. does this nicely.
- I enjoyed poking around in the site editor. I can see the potential for creating different types of site. I am not convinced that access to the Site Editor alone would make much differences to busy teachers with a lot on their plate. Most Glow Blogs stick with the default theme. I am beginning to see how patterns and templates could make things easier for folk.
- WordPress multi-sites do not automatically support custom css. The Jetpack plugin used to do this but not anymore. I hope it will be added back in. ↩︎
- Well I did that finally, I made lots of mistakes first. ↩︎
- Again I did that a more than a few times. I think this should have been a template part rather than a pattern. ↩︎

Another B&W image, testing

Life in Links 60

Things that cheered me up today.
bradenslen pointed me to this:
England, like most countries, is more of an imagined place than anything objectively real. Its ordinanced borders are merely state stories. We who live here know its true thresholds are the salted shore, ends of lanes where magic lives. We all make it up as walk its ways. – #CLNolan
— ( January 23, 2025 at 5:02 PM
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But Environment Minister Emma Hardy decided not to grant the authorisation for emergency use of Cruiser SB, which contains the butterfly-killing neonicotinoid thiamethoxam prohibited since 2018 – the first time in five years the application has been turned down.
Pootle Test
A test from PootleWriter. A new simple markdown editor for WordPress. Looks like everything is on Local Storage. Should be interesting to Dave Winer. Some similarities to WordLand, some differences.
Update, more info Introducing PootleWriter: Your Friction-Free WordPress Writing Companion – Pootlepress
I guess in not paying for the various efficiencies gained with Sync or Readwise then it is costing me my time? Food for thought I guess.
Or maybe you save a bit of time by not exploring all the services you would have to pay for?
I love the idea of a Sunday drive blog. Perhaps the correct pace for a blog to be. Relaxed, without particular direction and enjoyable. I’ve got the idea of ‘a Sunday stroll’ as a description of where I want my blog to go. See also Flâneur.
Read Started Early, Took My Dog by Kate Atkinson ★★★★☆ 📚
Took a while for the strands to come together, each character drawn with detail. Once I was engaged the end came too quick. Slightly confused as I came in at 4th in the series, although I’d watch the tv one long ago.
Read: The Starling: A Biography by Stephen Moss ★★★★☆ 📚
A nice read about one of my favourite creatures. History, behaviour & plenty of murmuration. Lovely old pictures too.