SwallowsFrom their precarious nest-cup The swallows whitewash our turf-stack. When we set fire to their excrement They will be crossing the Sahara.Michael Longley
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Read: The Colony by Audrey Magee ★★★★☆ 📚
engrossing exploration of colonisation & its woes in Ireland. 1979 adventures of an English artist & French linguist appropriating, each in their own way, the culture of an Irish isle are interspersed with reports of death in the north.
Read: Oh William! by Elizabeth Strout ★★★☆☆ 📚
I think I liked this better than the original Lucy and not nearly as much as the Olive books. I think I prefer her older characters.
The following bit of CSS takes care of the blurring of content in the WordPress Multisite admin users view.
This is really useful looking. I spend a lot of time taking screenshots of Glow Blogs. Blurring usernames while leaving useful information is a pain.
Read: The Woman of Troy by Pat Barker ★★★☆☆
We went along to Barbara Hepworth Art & Life at the National Galleries of Scotland. Really enjoyed it, beautifully put together & lit.
Walk to Duncolm. A sparking day, photos map & notes walkmap
I’ve now plotted 61 walks on the same map which is quite interesting. Spacebar hides the map tiles for that abstract look.
Just gathering a few podcast feeds. Problems:
1. Search finds links to podcast aggregators/apps rather than original site 2. These sites tend not to show the RSS feeds.
I know I can search & sub in Castro (or other app), but I just wanted to gather rss urls.
Mood Grumpy