Since joining I’ve been messing around with my blog and its RSS on and off. I had settled on removing the titles for status post RSS feed. This means short status posts (<280 characters) were passed over to and displayed the whole content there. Longer posts are truncated and linked.

Unfortunately this meant that microblog looks quite ugly sometimes, especially when it posts a truncated indieWeb reaction that includes a quote. So I’ve changed how it works a little to only remove titles from the RSS id there are <280 characters.

This is a status post, so hopefully it will show up on Micro.Blog as a linked title.

Details in this gist: functions that have do with and microblogging that live in my child theme’s functions.php

Before and after display of a post in


I signed up for the kickstarter of, it went live earlier this week. is a new social network for independent microblogs.
Start a microblog today. Easy to publish, own your content, great cross-posting.

The service is very new and so far has changed and developed every day.

The idea is, you publish short posts, these are mirrored on via RSS. The posts can be from any RSS feed. You can get a hosted blog at or use your own hosting.

The iOS app will post to your blog or your own WordPress blog. Or you can use your own system. There is a microblog bot that will post your posts on to Twitter too.

The difference between the hosted blog and your stream is a mite confusing at the moment. I wonder if a different domain name might have helped.

Both the hosted blog and the twitter bot are paid for options. The docs make it clear that you can host your own and point to IFTTT as an alternative to the bot.

The system follows the indieweb principle of controlling your own content and sending it on to other spaces.

Replies on to your posts are sent as webmentions to your own blog and show up as comments if you have the webmention plugin installed. I had that already to get twitter replies as comments.

My setup

I’ve added a new category here, micro. I’ve edited the blog to not have posts with this category show on the home page, they show on micro instead.

I set the app to create posts with the status format in the micro category.

I turned off the jetpack social posting to Twitter function. I’ll manually post normal posts. I’ve set up a bot to post to Twitter.

The service is very much a work in progress, and I’ve not really read the docs but I’ve noticed a few interesting things.


On is that the posts on consist of descriptions with no titles. When you post form the app, you get a post on your blog without a title. A post with a title on your blog is posted as a link to With a post without out a title the description becomes the content of the post.

That means you get lots of posts listed in your dashboard as ‘no title’. Since I didn’t like this I tried to auto add titles to posts without titles with a little Google-fu and some WordPress coding.

This worked out fine, except the posts on consist of a title and a link, the tweet posted by the twitter bot is the same.

I am now looking to create a custom RSS feed without title. More googling ahead.

Alternatively I could use the code from Tweaks for that adds dates as titles, ignore these.

Or just learn to live with ‘no title’ posts in the dashboard.

Me on

Preparing for the microblog is a lot more coherent than this post if you are looking for setup advice.

I’ll post the code I’ve mentioned above at some point, it is pretty simple stuff.

Indie Microblogging: owning your short-form writing by Manton Reece โ€” Kickstarter

I backed this when it launched, two days in and it seems to have got almost double its target!

Interestingly I found this via a microcast which I found via a comment here by Henrik Carlsson who collected some other microcast links. I guess this is a microblog post.