Some links and interesting things I’ve noticed over the last couple of weeks


I like using cardboard in school, some inspiration.

2023 C.A.M.P.The Cardboard CollectiveThe Warehouse

As a working artist, I engage with kids as co-creators, seeking to share knowledge and expertise in context as ideas unfold and discoveries are made. I also share the art research processes and methods I use in my own art practice, as we take on projects big and small.

Amber Dohrenwend, Artist – Cool Tools

Amber Dohrenwend is an American artist based in Marquette, Michigan. She constructs post-consumer cardboard sculptures, costuming and installations.

Blog |

Amber Dohrenwend build an art installation out of locally recycled cardboard strips.


FFmpeg Explorer!

A tool to help you explore FFmpeg filters.

My use of ffmpeg is very basic indeed, mostly taking images and making video from them. This is much more advanced. I remember trying to make a video grid. Altough that post claims a quick try it took me a while and gave me a real headach trying to expand the grid. FFmpeg Explorer has an example that shows you how with a click. (can’t recall where I got this one, but thanks)

TiddlyPWA — TiddlyWiki Storage & Sync Solution

Have you ever wanted to combine the power and customizability of TiddlyWiki and the convenience of a modern offline-friendly, encrypted, synced notes app? Now you can! With…

HT Joe I use TW a bit at a beginners level. This looks nice and the syncing is interesting.


Take to The Streets | Eparapo

My daughter sent me this, nice.

Rear Window Timelapse – Jeff Desom

Meticulously assembled using After Effects and Photoshop, Rear Window Loop is a large scale projection that shows Alfred Hitchcock’s 1954 masterpiece as a never before seen panorama.

We were watching a tv show about Hitchcock, reminded me of this video.


Daring Fireball: Twitter/X’s Descent Into an Antisemitic Cesspool

Antisemitism is more than just a form of bigotry and hatred, it’s a millennia-old conspiratorial crackpot worldview. And Elon Musk is seemingly sinking into it.

Still the social network of choice by schools in Scotland.

The featured images is a montage of screenshots of some of the links. I’ve done that twice, so made an AppleScript.

montage of screenshots of pages linked in post.


The hour approaches…




A couple of links for the future of Glow Blogs & one that is useful now (go Gutenburg).

Block theme generator – Full Site Editing

Submit the form to create a .zip file with your own WordPress starter theme for full site editing.

Part of WordPress full site editing and themes – Full Site Editing

Full site editing is a set of new WordPress features that helps us edit all parts of our website: Block themes, template editing, site blocks, and global styles.

Go Gutenberg – Learn the New WordPress Editor

Find Your Way Around Gutenberg introduces a brand new writing experience for your WordPress-powered site.

We’ll show you how to navigate the new interface and save time while editing.

The weather outside is frightful, but I want to avoid the usual internet distractions.

A while ago I signed up for the Vmail newsletter. This is from and seems to be put together from stuff submitted by anyone!

One of the items was Wilderness Land a map of links generated from a google spreadsheet which leads to many rabbit hole sites.

Here are a few:

Featured image: Image from page 130 of “The Canadian field-naturalist” (19… | Flickr found via a search for Public Domain photos and the word Serendipity.

Another favourite source of daily serendipity is the dailywebthing daily pointers.

When I find a time saver or tool that improves my workflow, I like sharing it. Much of what I know comes from others’ generous sharing of ideas and solutions. It’s kinda like paying it forward – feels right.

from: I like sharing useful things

This site like Joe Jennett’s others, the dailywebthing linkport and simply. is a great way to broaden your outlook and schedule some serendipity. I am sortof paying it forward too;-)

Mostly School and TiddlyWiki things.

Featured image, spider and young, my own.