We saw a pair of adults dabchicks feeding 3 very young chicks earlier this week. This evening one adult fishing and feeding a chick, another adult, with a chick peeping out from its feathers, on a nest.
Tag: birds
After bookmarking the Locus Sonus Stream Project the other day I saw a link to Soundcamp 2023 on Caught by the River. This lead to:
REVEIL 10 – Call | Announce
Saturday 6 to Sunday 7 May 2023
On Dawn Chorus Day, Reveil will make its tenth annual day-long loop of earth, travelling west on live audio feeds sent in by streamers around sunrise.
from: REVEIL 24+1 hour daybreak broadcast — Call | Announce
There seems to be several ways to join in, Raspberry Pis, computers and mobiles. Looks like icecast technology.
I would be quite interested in joining in. Dawn is around 5:30am in Glasgow on the 6th April.
Some of the locations on the Locus Sonus Stream Project make nice background noise, birds and burns from around the world.
Quite a few redwings in Victoria Park this morning. Didn’t get a good photo.
Went for a walk round Ardinning this morning. Lots of birds singing, including the first cuckoo I’ve heard this year. Bluebells starting to appear.
The two, berry covered, rowan trees outside our flat have been nearly completely striped by redwings over the last day or two.
Read: Birdsong in the time of silence by Steven Lovett ★★★★★ 📚a metaphor filled recount of bird listening in lockdown along with many diversions into memory & natural history. Like many I spent a bit of time with birds during the first lockdown. This is a deeper dive.
Ardinning Arrived before 8. Cloudy, a breeze sun occasionally warming. Comfrey, bluebells, bracken unrolling. Mallard ducklings, a dabchick, a woodpecker. Larks & curlews singing & calling. A couple of ravens. Trees greening, fresh beech. One or two cuckoos. Apple blossom.
A couple of the coot nests on the park pond had chicks, spent a while sitting in the sun watching the parents feed and protect on one. Few more photos on Flickr.