A fresh installation of Audacity isn’t optimised for scanning nocmig recordings, but with some simple tweaks it can be ready on demand. 

This is interesting. I’ve been dabbling in bird song with Merlin recently. I didn’t know you could use Audacity to see audio as a Spectrogram. This post shows how.

I’ve only just head of nocmig.

The nocturnal equivalent of visible migration watching, and typically employs sound recording equipment to capture the flight calls of migrating birds. 

nocmig – Recording nocturnal bird migration

Which looks/sounds interesting. Could be a bit of a rabbit hole: Guest blog: A DIY low-budget NocMig parabolic microphone, Although I don’t think my diy skills are up to this.

Likes Blog Gardening by Jamie Thingelstad.

It makes me happy to make these small fixes. I bet it is like a gardener that pulls some weeds in their garden. My website will be some part of my legacy, and this small daily task makes that legacy a little bit better all the time.

I’ve be doing something similar with a lot less rigour since I added my on this day page. Some great ideas here for improving my process.

gifsicle -U original.gif "#0--2" -d200 "#-1" -O2 > with-delay.gif

This is useful, I am making quite a lot of gifs for Glow Blogs help at the moment. Current workflow: export from screenflow as a mp4, Gif Brewery to create a gif and then this to add a bit of a delay and reduce file size. There is a nice explanation of the parameters.

Read: Hide and Seek by Ian Rankin ★★★☆☆ 📚
I am reading more Rankin, not necessarily in the right order. This early Rebus is a wee bit different than the later versions. A nicely tangled plot woven across Edinburgh society from junkies to the higher reaches. Corruption all the way.