Read: NetNewsWire 5 Feature Requests

I first used NetNewsWire back in 2002, really started using in in 2005 stopped when it left Brent Simmons’ hands.

The new version is lovely, I am still hooked into inoreader so hope that one of the feature requests it to add that as a syncing option. Until I will use NetNewsWire for a few feeds (I think the default one), I don’t do all my reading via inoreader anyway so usually have a few double reads anyway.

Read Been duped on Facebook and Amazon’s platforms? Well, you’re not alone | John Naughton
Allowing third parties access to the online giants is as risky as it is profitable

Ever since the web arrived, the overriding mantra of online entrepreneurs has been “get big fast”: recruit users or customers as quickly as possible to get to the point where the network effect kicks in and discourages potential competitors.

This seem to be to be the opposite of what Manton is doing with I am delighted about that

Listened Jim Groom from Spreaker
Gettin' Air Season 3 Premiere with Jim Groom @jimgroom! Jim has been central a central figure in hugely influential educational technology movements/ideas/things like #ds106, #edupunk, and Domain of One's Own (#DoOO). And now he is co-founder of a shining beacon of educational technology done right in @ReclaimHosting. But why are they running a VHS store in Fredericksburg, VA?

@jimgroom is always worth a listen, some #ds106 nostalgia (always worth thinking ‘n taking about #DS106) and fascinating stuff around opensource and the implications of depending on a closed technology.