Listened IndieWeb Podcast Episode 15 by David ShanskeDavid Shanske from
After a gap of over a year, we resumed our IndieWeb podcast and got together to discuss what has been going on, how we have been building the community during the pandemic, and about our topic of There is also a video attached this time.

Enjoyed listening to this. Getting a take on from the IndieWeb point of view was interesting. As usual listening makes me think I should dig into the IndieWeb a bit more and get this blog working the way I want.

Replied to [rant] I hate podcasts by Nitin Khanna (
Ok, listen up. Podcasts are stupid. I’ve got good reasons too, if you read on. There are two types of blog posts – ramblers (like this one) and informative. That’s generally what you’ll see on the Internet. Most personal content is a rambler type of blog post. It may be the most succinct two...

There is a lot to agree with here. I’ve been guilty of creating podcast with all your worst nightmares, skype, rambling and more.

But I love podcasts. Two main reasons, one the sound of voices is different, for me, than reading a post; two, I can listen to podcasts while driving to work. I don’t want succinct  information, I want to be able to do the equivalent of rambling for listening, picking up bits and pieces, thinking of something else, paying attention to the traffic.

I remember when I started podcasting there was a txt file going round that explained, by example, how much better plain text was. That is fine if you can look at it, not so much if you are washing the dishes:-)

Enjoyed the rant!

Listened Should universities give preference to applicants from poor backgrounds? from

After reading the great article in the Observer Michael Sandel: ‘The populist backlash has been a revolt against the tyranny of merit’ I subscribed to the podcast.
The best thing about the podcast is how Michael Sandel, summarises and pushed the arguments on without any delay.
I am enjoying listing to podcasts again now I am commuting once more.

Listened How the chilli pepper conquered China Foreign pepper finds a home by Jeremy Cherfas from
Chilli pepper is firmly established as the most widely used spice around the world, and nowhere more so than in China. And yet, chillies were unknown in China before about 1570.

Another really interesting listen from @jeremycherfas I alway am amazed at how a food stuff becomes embedded in a culture.