Author Archives: john
RE: #tdc4124 #ds106 Is today the day it all breaks?
Today’s #DS106 challange is worth more than a tweet. #tdc4124 #ds106 Is today the day it all breaks? | The DS106 Daily Create
If Twitter switch off the old version of its API, then some of the functionality of the Daily Create will break today. See Cogdog’s blog for an explanation.
This sucks. It really sucks. As Alan says, life will go on. But just in case it doesn’t, make something, DS106 style, that expresses how sucky this really is.
The twitter API has, over the years, enabled a lot of wonderful things. In my opinion none more so that the #DS106 #DailyCreate. This provides simple daily creative prompts, but more importantly it pulls responses together onto its WordPress Home. I imagine Alan especially feels this pain. He has tirelessly kept this up and running and helped other use the technology elsewhere (the Daily Stillness is one I love).
There may be a silver lining, the slim chance that there is an increase in open, shares and self owned streams, open protocols and interop may increase, or even flourish. Mastodon is growing, I hope RSS does too.
Featured image, my own.
Nice dub metaphor. from an undisclosed location, which sounds idilic.
Read: The Young Accomplice by Benjamin Wood ★★★★☆ 📚
Wonderful queasy tension. Siblings, out of Borstal in the early 1950s bring all sorts of baggage to farm training centre for young humane architects.
It is World Curlew Day
Likes World Curlew Day.
I did not know this, followed a link from the Caught by the river newsletter to Curlew Country. Both sites have activities and resources for schools. I wish I’d seen it earlier as it would have fitted nicely with Earth Day/John Muir day which we celebrated today in school.
@nomadwarmachine @toddconaway @tdc #dailycreate #tdc4114 #ds106
This reminded my to restart my taDa.txt file today, an idea borrowed from @sheilmcn
TaDa.txt is file I try to add something to celebrate at the end of the working day. I had forgotten about it for a while, now restarted.
I’ve also got another one where I add one, very short, nature note per day. Managed to do every day this year so far.
Both happier places than a todo list;-)
Read: Where My Heart Used to Beat by Sebastian Faulks ★★★☆☆
Enjoys this life told through wars, love & remembering.