Liked You’re Not Cool Enough For | Greg Morris by Chris AldrichChris Aldrich (BoffoSocko)
•a web host, •a Twitter replacement, •a Twitter client that allows you to own your own data, •a Instagram replacement, •a microcasting platform, •a full blogging platform, •a new, well-curated community with a strong code of conduct, •a customized feed reader for a new community, •a syndication platform for one’s personal blog, •a low barrier entryway to having your own IndieWeb-capable blog on your own domain., •a first class IndieWeb citizen with support for multiple types of posts, IndieAuth, Webmention, Micropub, and Microsub.

👍 Liked  @c, @chrisaldrich Chris Aldrich’s great list of purposes. has been difficult to describe. At the moment I am not using it as a replacement service for twitter or Instagram but in addition to or a way of owning and enriching these services.

Replied to Creating a tag cloud directory for the Post Kinds Plugin on WordPress by Chris AldrichChris Aldrich (BoffoSocko)
Yesterday after discovering it on Xavier Roy’s site I was reminded that the Post Kinds Plugin is built on a custom taxonomy and, as a result, has the ability to output its taxonomy in typical WordPress Tag Cloud widget. I had previously been maintaining/displaying a separate category structure fo...

I’ve done this, think I might have to read the ‘wp tag cloud’ in the WordPress Codex to make it look a bit nicer.

Liked Workshop to Event Workflow in WordPress by Tom Woodward (
Please think about stuff like this every time you hear a supposed web developer/ed tech person say “WordPress can’t . . . ” I’m not a skilled web developer and if I can figure out these things many others could do far better. Most supposed limitations are a failure of imagination rather than the technology or the skill. Also take note of how many times I tried things here. Not every one was a complete failure but there were plenty of those and a number that didn’t generate events at all. This stuff doesn’t necessarily come easy to me. Try not to get discouraged. In the future you can fail at entirely new and more complicated things!

👍 Enjoyed @twoodwar’s WordPress workings.