👍 Liked @c, @chrisaldrich Chris Aldrich’s great list of micro.blog purposes. Micro.blog has been difficult to describe. At the moment I am not using it as a replacement service for twitter or Instagram but in addition to or a way of owning and enriching these services.

•a web host, •a Twitter replacement, •a Twitter client that allows you to own your own data, •a Instagram replacement, •a microcasting platform, •a full blogging platform, •a new, well-curated community with a strong code of conduct, •a customized feed reader for a new community, •a syndication platform for one’s personal blog, •a low barrier entryway to having your own IndieWeb-capable blog on your own domain., •a first class IndieWeb citizen with support for multiple types of posts, IndieAuth, Webmention, Micropub, and Microsub.