The weather outside is frightful, but I want to avoid the usual internet distractions. A while ago I signed up for the Vmail newsletter. This is from and seems to be put together from stuff submitted by anyone! One of the items was Wilderness Land a map of links generated from a google spreadsheet […]

One of the things I love about open education in general, and open educational resources in particular, is the creative potential they offer to find, use, reuse, create and recreate such a wealth of diverse content and resources. Lorna Campbell: Creativity, serendipity and open content | Open World The post has some lovely examples of sources […]

I woke up the other morning morning to a bit of serendipity in my RSS reader that cheered me up. First I read Alan’s great post Don’t Be a Platform Pawn. Next up was Marco Arment Linking and quoting Waffle on Social Media which quoted in turn Community Services which pointed to What’s a Twitter […]

Christmas Cannon everyone needs one of these. Land for the People (Scotland) Bill – Land Matters Andy Wightman’s proposals for a comprehensive Land Reform Bill. redefine Scotland’s system of land tenure as conditional tenure with (broadly defined) statutory responsibilities as well as rights. The particulars of how these will be interpreted can be set out […]

My own memory (and blog) tells me Web 2.0 was blogs, wikis, delicious, flickr & rss before it was twitter & facebook. I remember thinking it was the power to pull and aggregate without a great deal of technical know how that was exciting. Back in 2007 I didn’t welcome Facebook. I am pretty pleased […]

Microsoft Thinks You’ve Been Missing Your Commute in Lockdown – WSJ Teams’ morning commute experience hasn’t been finalized, but will involve asking users to write a short list of things they want to accomplish that day, Ms. Janardhan said. It also will ask how users are feeling before they start work. If they say they […]