Replied to SSL Notes (
So, is now loading securely over https, not that anyone would notice or care but me. I like tinkering on small, zero-priority sites because they allow me to figure stuff out without any repercussions if things go wrong.

Hi Jim,
Someone would notice & care;-) I log on to the club once every year or so. Just fixed a couple of http references to https. I still wonder if the tilde environment would make a good place to run a ds106 course.
It is also a good tinkering place.

Liked The end of podcasting, chapter 58 by Andy (
My response: WHO CARES! I started two podcasts (Convocast and Thinking About Tools For Thought) without any media empire support. Did I make any money? No, but that wasn’t why I created those podcasts. I did it for fun and to share information/perspectives with others.

I’ve podcasted both for fun and as an learning experience for my pupils. This rings true.

Reposted by Banton Primary (Twitter)

Good Ruler – Bad Ruler

The Biggies had a bit of fun thinking about what that would do if they were good or bad rulers. Making graphics with layers, transparency, copyright free images, clip art an their own photos.