Some links I’ve put on my virtual pinboard recently. Ready for the new term?

Here are some of the things I’ve tagged classroom over the summer holidays.

Featured image: my own, I spent a fair bit of the summer trying to get close to butterflies.

I’ve been on holiday for the last two weeks, the second spent unwell with a sinus infection that made me uninterested in everything bar Lemsip and a bit of netflix.

Feeling a bit better and reviewing my pinboard links. Most seem to be around poetry, maths and micro:bits in the classroom ( I need to get out more).

Header image created with above mentioned Sketch Machine.

The tabs left open from yesterday. The internet is a more fascinating place that I’ve got time for.

Worth mentioning that a lot of these links are coming from as well as my RSS reader.

Some recent finds collected with pinboard

Featured images, a montage of gifs from skipi, which is stuttering away. For no particular reason.


Image from page 109 of “The manual training school, compri… | Flickr No known copyright restrictions. Somewhat glitched.

Some of the things I’ve pinned to the board this week.

Featured image, a bit of processing slit-scanning strangness, guess the source.

Grist from the pinboard.