I hope to post a bit more as I digest the last couple of days.
First the linkage:
Blog postings about SETT – The Scottish Learning Festival, collected by technorrati:
Flickr: Photos tagged with sett06
Blog posts about TeachMeet (bloggers, and others get together at the festival):http://www.technorati.com/search/teachmeet06
Flickr: Photos tagged with teachmeet06
Flickr Creative commons search sett06
Official SETT Weblog
I am posting the links to the technorati search page rather than the tag pages, technorati seems to have missed quite a few posts tagged with teachmeet06, this means that my teachmeet aggregator and more professional tools like Hitchhikr don’t pick up all the posts, Hickhiker get more with the [Conduct String Search — may return some irrelevant Blog Entries]. I wonder if it worth a trip to Technorati API: Search. Probably not, but might would be a nice distraction from implementing all the good teaching ideas I saw at sett.
I seem to be the only person so far tagging my comments, but not too much commenting has gone on as far as I can make out.
I’ve been thinking a bit about live blogging events, it seems a great idea, but I am not sure I am the person to do it, I don’t type fast enough and I really need times to think about things. I was at Peter Peacock address, trying to blogs the important points and chatting to Ewan on Skype. After a while I realised I’d just typed a collection of buzzwords, Ewan had written a coherent post, fast fingers. I didn’t post my list.
Most of my SETT posts will be useful to me as a reminder and link list, I am not sure if they will be useful to anyone else.
The other problem about live blogging is that it should lead to a blossoming of comments and I’d guess most folk are too tired after two days under the weird light and too much technology, even the folk blogging didn’t seem to post many comments on the day, too much to blog too little time. Anyway, I’ll probably blog my next sett/conference and hope the Scot’s Edu blogsphere reached a tipping point.
More important than a bunch of teachers blogging is, in my opinion, a bunch of children blogging. Unlike Andrew who wrote:
Instead of my usual forray into techy stuff at SETT, this year I thought I?d try and take in something that wouldn?t usually have jumped off the page at me.
I went to quite a few thing that are along my line, including Building primary communities, Infants Can Communicate! and To Blog or Not to Blog. I really enjoyed them all, and picked up a pile of great ideas. the last two listed were reports on blogging projects that really impressed me. My foray into classroom blogging has been bluesky, these project really pointed up good practice and linked it to learning and the curriculum in a very coherent way.
A middle aged blogging dog was taught a lot of new tricks which will hopefully end up improving the learning in my classroom.
Finally(for now, it has taken me best part of two hours to get this far, due to browser meanderings) I met a ton of old and new friends, many of whom on Thursday I asked to chat to (ie steal ideas from) on the Friday, they successfully avoided me and I still have a pile of things I’d like to know, and requests to make. I actually think I needed a longer sett, maybe with a few breaks
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