Liked The internet consumes extraordinary amounts of energy. Here’s how we can make it more sustainable (
Around 4.6 billion people use the internet every day. In fact, 350,000 tweets have been sent in the past minute. We tend to think of the internet as something ephemeral – partly thanks to terms like “web” and “cloud” – but the servers that host all that data produce huge amounts of emissions, leaving giant carbon footprints behind.

Via A sustainable web – Sceptical Scot

Liked On Digital Gardening, Blogs, and Knowledge (
Email is a powerful tool, but it feels like using a shovel to cut down a tree.

Macdrifter is one of my favourite mac blogs. Disappeared for a while and recently sprung back to life. I noticed through the power of RSS.

This post takes a look at digital gardening and looks at some of the elements of IndieWeb & blogging I am interested in.

Stars, favorites, reading lists,bookmarks, notes, playlists, and the whole mess of podcasts, is exhausting to keep track of, let alone keep alive and healthy.


I think I want to return to this old-fashioned concept of blogging for Macdrifter. I want to worry less about “reviewing” things and more about leaving tasty breadcrumbs.

There is a nice list of blogs and blog types at the end too. Really glad to see this feed come alive again.

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Read: Cunning Women: A feminist tale of forbidden love after the witch trials by Elizabeth Lee ★★★☆☆ 📚 I enjoyed this well enough, unlikely plot, felt a bit like a young adult book.

Lots of cuckoos calling this morning, caught glimpse of a few. Lots of other birdsong. Warm, sunny the best of the day and still didn’t meet a soul. Sweet Woodruff and bluebells under the trees. It clouded over a bit, but we saw a couple of Small Heath butterflies. A jay.