Bookmarked Working Around Post Kinds Plugin Lock-In by Ton Zijlstra (
I’ve been using the Post Kinds plugin for a few years on this WordPress site. It allows you to easily style a specific type of posting (a like, bookmark, reply, rsvp, read, check-in etc), it automatically pulls in the relevant information form the posting you’re reacting to, and adds the right m...

Although I’ve found the post kinds plug-in amazingly useful I’ve wondered about the problem of moving away from it.

As I review old posts I do find some surprises in the way the display of posts has changed, having the post kinds “stuff” in the post would help I think. I’ve no idea how I could do that if I wanted to.

Lean towards relating two tiddlers with a tag if one is {part of} the other, and towards relating them with a link if one is merely {related to} the other.

Grok TiddlyWiki

I usually think of tags in relation to a blog where they indicate a relationship as opposed to membership. This is helping me think about organisation of information. I use a few TiddlyWikis, but have just stumbled through the process.

Replied to Shopping Sheet – Improving the Shopping Process During the Pandemic by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (
The current pandemic has led to many changes in habits. One of which is that I like to be prepared when I go to the supermarket, especially when doing a big shop. Fine I may not last out the two to three weeks that Zeynep Tufekci flagged early on: For food, you can just buy two or three weeks’ wor...

Hi Aaron,
Since the start of covid I get a delivery from the supermarket once a week and make a quick trip to a smaller one in the evening. Newspaper from the wee coop early morning.

What I love about his post is the quote/  featured image. I liked it on flickr earlier.

Ten Lessons I Learned While Teaching Myself to Code

I’ve been messing around with code and scripting on and off since I started using computers. Never enough to get the basic stuff in my head long term. I suspect my aged brain as well as the lack of daily practise. I can still have “fun“.