Here are a few specific reasons why you should post:

* Search everything you write. Do you post long comments or issues on GitHub? Do you post on public mailing lists? Post such things to your own site, so you can more easily search everything you’ve written on a topic. Then post a copy to those external destinations.

Lots of other ideas. Including Use a local text editor, I do sometimes. I used to use TextMate pretty exclusively, but drifted away because of post kinds, then blocks. Thinking about it a good bit more since testing WordLand, which I am enjoying.

Read: Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel ★★★★★📚
A subtle & grownup take on the post apocalypse novel. I think I enjoyed everything about this. Flits between characters & time before & after the Georgian Flu which kills 99% of the population.

None of the older Symphony members knew much about science, which was frankly maddening given how much time these people had had to look things up on the Internet before the world ended.

A timely idea arrives from several directions. Podcasts I listen to.

I listen to podcast pretty exclusively when commuting. I am in the car nearly a couple of hours a day. I seldom listen elsewhere. If I am on foot I prefer to listen to what is around me. At home I listen to music when cooking.

Here are some regulars.


I wish the BBC and everyone else made it simpler to find RSS feeds.


  • I listen to Core Init, by Manton and Daniel it is aimed at Mac developers, but often strays onto blogging, AI and other interesting topics.
  • More Mac: ATP & The Talk Show, I don’t listen to all of the episodes but catch up with one occasionally.
  • WordPress briefing. Seems to have dried up as the host moved out of a role at WordPress.


Recent additions


I like to listen to odd episodes of podcasts without subscribing. Huffduffer created a RSS feed from audio on webpages. I mourn the passing of Huffduffer-video which let you add YouTube and other media to your huffduff feed as audio. Using the huffduffer bookmarklet is interesting. Increasingly some podcast hide links to audio files. This leads to some tedious workarounds. (Find the rss link, open that in Firefox and copy the episode audio url).

John Johnston on Huffduffer is what I’ve huffduffed.

Castro Sideloads

The app I use to listen to podcasts has a few nice features. You can just drop an mp3 into an iCloud folder and it appears in the app. Better still you can use an app extension to get audio from a webpage or rip a YouTube to audio. I hope that it will replace huffduff-video for me for video.

For what it is worth here in my Castro opml export and some of them as html. The html has links to the site and RSS1.

Many of the feeds in my opml are no longer being updated. Some I subscribed to long after they existed. Castros’s triage system, allowing you to build a play order from feeds is very handy for this.

  1. My horrible combination of google sheets and bash didn’t manage to convert them all. Castro’s opml export didn’t have links to the sites, just the RSS. ↩︎

Read The Overstory by Richard Powers ★★★★☆ 📚
Several different stories & ideas around the importance of trees to the world weave together. Some resonated with me more than others.
Many of the ideas are better known now than when the book was published.

The best arguments in the world won’t change a person’s mind. The only thing that can do that is a good story

This is a good story, it might change part of your mind, unfortunately like everything else it is more complicated.