Read: The Wych Elm by Tana French ★★★☆☆ 📚
Narrator with a bump on the head and confused brain. Murder from the past. The story unwinds & unfolds in a teasing way.
Life in Links 49
- GitHub – chasedooley/mostly-free-resources-for-almost-everyone: A list of mostly free resources for almost anyone. Huge list, main topics: Computer Science and Related; Education; YouTube Educators; Media; Life, Health, and Related; Other Tools and Apps
- Raspberry “PiMac” I have my mum’s old iMac, tempted as an easy way to get linux onto it.
- Share on Pixelfed – Jan’s Blog I have a rather underused pixelfed account will give this a go.
- Lisa Orth Generative Art inspiring, but the NFT space is not one I’ve explored.
- Preserving the Past, Empowering the Future: Unveiling the Wayback Machine’s Vital Role in Investigative Work | Internet Archive Blogs Every so often I send the archive a fiver, this is just more evidence of its value. I think I use the archive at least once a week.
Featured Image: Demon in chains | Cleveland Museum of Art CC0
Kilpatrick Walks
Some trails layered on a map
Is the best place for me when I am grumpy.
@tdc #dailycreate #tdc4198 #ds106
Is the best place for me when I am grumpy.
Read: The High House by Jessie Greengrass ★★★★☆ 📚
Compelling climate crisis novel that focuses on relationships between a very small cast. I like the sparseness the of speech & little moments. Good on our sleepwalking too.
Nostalgia. Recently I’ve seen teacher’s “apps” created with PowerPoint or Keynote I wonder what we could do with HyperTalk in Keynote?
My use of Twitter has reduced massively of late. I still follow the odd link to see content. This is often in an iOS app. These usually open in the app’s ‘own’ browser rather than jump to Safari. This leads to a login page and I give up. 🤷🏻♂️
After not posting to Instagram for over 18 months, I signed up for Threads. So far, a whole bunch of posts from accounts I don’t know stream by quite quickly. Disconcerting. I still dislike the algorithm.