I’ve not blogged much about work recently, but this story is a good one if somewhat tangled.

We are working, in the Glow blogs team, on the next release. This is mainly to address any problems with the upgrade to WordPress 4.0.1 that came out in January.

My work includes: watching reports come through the help desk; passing on problems that come directly to me (twitter, email and phone) through to the RM. I do a wee bit of tyre kicking and talking to the test team on the way.

On Tuesday I got a mail from a teacher, to the effect that the link to My Sites from the Local Authority home pages didn’t work. Talking to Grant, one of the test team, I found out he was chasing the same problem. We kicked it around a bit and found that if a new users creates a blog on their LA before accessing My Sites, the link did not work, it leads to a list of blogs that the user has a role on.

This is not a show stopper as the user can click on any of the blogs and then the My Site link in the Admin Bar as a work around.

While testing this out we noticed that although the Admin Bar is visible on any Glow blog in your Local Authority, the My Sites link on it leads to the same error (with a list of your sites page).

Thinking these were linked I raised a call to the RM help desk. This got passed through to the team at Automattic. They have quickly fixed the first issue and recorded the fix in our system (JIRA) for following development. The code will be in the next release, hopefully in two or three weeks.

At this point we asked about the second bug, we were told that is was in WordPress core and the team had not only reported it but proposed an initial fix. It is worth pointing out that this was put into the WordPress tracking system at quarter to eleven on Thursday night:

#31314 (My Sites admin bar link broken when on blogs you have no role on) – WordPress Trac

You can see from the linked page, that the ticked was closed at 6:29 on Friday morning. The fix and some improvements are currently attracting the attention and input from three other developers who are completely unconnected from Glow.

So What?

The people that helped with this one included:

  • The teacher who reported the problem
  • The Testers contracted to the Scottish Government
  • The RM Help Desk who are the first point of contact for Glow fault
  • The Developers from Automattic working for Glow
  • WordPress developers who have nothing to do with and likely no knowledge of Glow

Which quite a complex system, but it seems to be working. Most of these people are on the hook and doing their job, but I wonder if a bug in a commercial system would be fixed so quickly? We don’t have the bug fixed in our system but it looks good for being sorted out in a subsequent upgrade.

For me this was pretty exciting. It feels pretty good for those of us who think that Open Source and Openness in general is a good idea in Education.

There is obviously a lot of deep thinking to be done here, my initial though holds, I don’t think the internet is unique. we have managed to mismanage a lot of other things collectively, ozone layer, environment, health the net is no different. Except it might be easier to sort out internet economy and culture than the environment.

As for artists, the internet can at leat give creative types the chance of bypassing the hegemonies that control publication and access to audience?


Ten years ago today I made my first post on this blog. 882 post (plus this one) for a total of over a quarter of a million words. I’d posted to blogs before this one, but this one stuck.

You would think, by this time, I’d have some sort of plan going, but no, this blog continues to be pretty haphazard without a real sense of audience or single purpose.

It does provide me with a thinking tool and scrapbook which I continue to enjoy and that is still enough for me.

The blog has been the starting point for all sort of online and offline experiences. I’ve dallied with other online spaces and playgrounds, but keep coming back here.

The blog itself has moved and changes: starting as a sub weblog of my school/class site using pivot; it moved to this domain and got a change of name when I left school; got upgraded to pivotx; and then moved to WordPress. I still think of it as the same place.

Along the way, I’ve broken links, lost images and comments, but still have a reasonable portfolio of my ramblings and technological roaming.

The image with this post is to remind me to try and reflect rather than ramble;-)

Now we have moved Glow Blogs into the 21st century we are going have some fun.

The idea of the bootcamp is a place were folk can get help in starting or improving their class blogs.

The bootcamp will take you through creating a blog, adding features and a range of blogging activities. Classes will have the opportunity to link up with other glow blogs and the world wide blogging community.

Each week there will be ‘technical’ tips, blogging challenges and discussion points that can be carried out in your classroom and on your blog.

What you need: A Class, somewhere to blog (glow for example). No technical knowledge needed.

While most of the technical support will be aimed at glow users the bootcamp is open to any classroom.

Details of how to sign up are on the Blogging Bootcamp blog

Some great reading on the train this morning. I’ve tended to swallow whole the idea of making being one of the best ways of learning. As usually with things that you hold dearly but perhaps without a lot of analysis it is nice to read some different opinions.

The bloggers here are thinking at a much deeper level that I venture, and I recommend following the links.

I started on Hapgood.

What would happen if we got over our love affair with creators? What would happen if we collapsed the distinction between maker and taker, consumer and producer, not by “moving people from consumption to production”, but by eliminating the distinction? What if we saw careful curation of material as better than unconsidered personal expression?
“Users” | Hapgood

Which linked to this:

You see critiquing isn’t a review where you let fly with your opinion, no the purpose of the critique is to make the work stronger, better, and more fitting.
Critique & Creation | Heart | Soul | Machine


Walk through a museum. Look around a city. Almost all the artifacts that we value as a society were made by or at the the order of men. But behind every one is an invisible infrastructure of labour—primarily caregiving, in its various aspects—that is mostly performed by women.
Metafoundry 15: Scribbled Leatherjackets


A quote often attributed to Gloria Steinem says: “We’ve begun to raise daughters more like sons… but few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters.” Maker culture, with its goal to get everyone access to the traditionally male domain of making, has focused on the first. But its success means that it further devalues the traditionally female domain of caregiving, by continuing to enforce the idea that only making things is valuable. Rather, I want to see us recognize the work of the educators, those that analyze and characterize and critique, everyone who fixes things, all the other people who do valuable work with and for others—above all, the caregivers—whose work isn’t about something you can put in a box and sell.
Why I Am Not a Maker – Atlantic Mobile


I’m always fascinated to see how my work in ed-tech is deemed “emotional” or dismissed as merely “cultural analysis” – gendered descriptions of what I do (subtly, overtly) perhaps.
Re-Building the Blog

I’ve not come to any conclusions here but it makes me think.

I got up this morning and didn’t make the bed, made some breakfast and just caught the earlier train. This let me make the walk from Waverley down to work rather than catch a bus.

Watching the scaffolders run scaffolding up a new building, helping complete the Architect’s vision, hoping to get to work in time for the barista to make me some coffee before the first meeting.

As I walked I am making this list; Wondering if a found poem is made, our national poet is called the Scots Makar; If I write a poem from the names of boats in a harbour am I a maker or curator; Artists, it seems to me, depend on other artists, critics, curators and caregivers for their making.

Finally I am thinking about DS106 Art on the couch my friend Mariana’s thoughts about learning thro critique.



Yesterday at 4 O’Clock the glow blogs system was upgraded to WordPress 4. The site was down for around 4 minutes.

Glow blog are now running on WordPress 4, not much a a big deal as most other WordPress blogging site are doing the same. But we just upgraded >140000 blog for WordPress 2.9.2 to WordPress 4.0.1 a pretty amazing effort. Setting up from scratch would be simple enough, looking after all of the foibles of a creaky system a bit more complex.

It has been a pleasure working with the Blogs Team for this release, including:

Sonali Nakhate Project Manager; Turnbull and John MacLeod from the technical team at Scottish Government; Grant Hutton and David Orr of the test department at Scottish Government and Code For The People, now part of Automattic who managed to get aquihired by the company behind WordPress.com during the project!

We also got a ton of support in all sorts of ways from the extended glow team at the Scottish Government and Education Scotland and from many in the wider Scottish Education community.

A First Step

Although this is the second phase of the blogs project it is really just the precursor to the next phase. We are starting to discuss the plans for phase three now. This is, I hope, the really exciting bit…

The Glow Help Blog is being updated and I am listing some of the main changes here: Blogs Update Phase 2 WordPress 4 – Glow Blog Help.

Some links I’ve Pinboarded this week:

My last post was review of my 2014 on Flickr, this is a quick list of some of my other online lives in 2014:

John’s World Wide Wall Display, this blog

57 blog post here this year. My favourite is probably RSS Serendipity. 57 compares to about a 87 post average over the last 10 years.

  • 2005 – 91
  • 2006 – 205
  • 2007 – 135
  • 2008 – 55
  • 2009 – 45
  • 2010 – 49
  • 2011 – 83
  • 2012 – 92
  • 2013 – 63
  • 2014 – 57

106 drop in

Another 20 blog posts on my DS106 blog. Can’t choose a favourite there, my 106 posts have an even smaller potential audience than here, but I love them more for that!

I also knitted a few webpages linked to DS106, DS106 GiF TV is by far the most interesting and fun (if somewhat incomprehensible ).

Ds 106 gif tv Skull

Pinboard, link collection

1561 pinboard links Pinboard: bookmarks for johnjohnston my delicious replacement, a lovely service.


103 gifs posted to tumblr jjgifs, March with 22 gifs was the busiest, not sure what I was thinking of…

Two of my gifs were featured on the Tumblr radar, skewing my stats somewhat and making my tumblr output the most popular of my online publications by a long way. It was quite amusing watching the likes pile on, as far as I can see the radar is pretty random but this many likes cheered me up at the start of 2014.

Tumblr Stats 26 010 2014


17 Youtube videos posted: YouTube John Johnston the most popular with 340 views was Journey into DS106 tdc762 most of the rest were ds106 inspired too.


6 Videos posted to vimeo, I think of vimeo as a bit more seriously than youtube. 4 out of 6 of these were for the day job.


We produced a fair number of podcasts over on Edutalk this year, it is a great experience, we have had some lovely conversations and learnt a lot talking to all sorts of folk. Lots of interesting plans and possibilities for 2015.

New Spaces and Places

I’ve used a few new services in 2014: Known, What do I Know?; Fargo (I started playing with Fargo in 2013, and have blogged about it a few times); other software from Dave Winer and Smallest Federated Wiki, which I am only just beginning to get a clue about.

I also set up home in a ~tilde club: totallynuclear.club/~troutcolor where I’ve also set up a River4, another RSS application from Davie Winer.

All of these places are really interesting and I hope to be digging into them more later on. I’ll post some basic information soon.

Twitter, Instagram and places I might have forgotten

I’ve not gather stats for these places, but I tweeted a far bit and posted quite a few pictures to instagram. I am sure I’ve posted other things in other places too….


This will bring the 10th birthday of this blog in February, as usually I post an unstructured pile of stuff lacking overall focus or any hope of a plan. This might not make this a great blog, but I continue to enjoy the process.

Previous Years

I’ve just added a page to the blog that lists All Posts, made it easy to find other end of year reviews, not a lot of consistency of approach: