Scots Pine

We went for a walk over the Kilpatrick Braes to Loch Humphrey this morning. Arriving at the car part around 9am it was already pretty full. Covid has multiplied the number of people out and about.

Fox PrintsUp the road, a bit before we turn off to the fields and braes, a fox came out, gave us a look and pogoed up the road in quite a peculiar fashion. It left a trail of wet prints that dried in a moment. There was a heron close by moving around a boggy bit of field.

A bright sunny day with a slight breeze. Up the hill what must be the last butterfly, a red admiral I think, blew past. On the moor we saw a few grouse and heard the go-back, go-back, go-back call. We hardly saw another person until we rejoined the road to the loch.

We did see a bunch of young crows dipping and diving in the uplift in a joyous fashion.

The road was pretty busy, so we returned via the muir and woods rather than the road. Now a bit busier , mostly mountain bikers.

When we got back to the car park it was overflowing, I don’t think I’ve seen the place so busy before.

A few more photos on flickr

Replied to 25 Years of Ed Tech: The Audio Version | Read Write Collect by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (Read Write Collect)
I remember reading the original posts that led to the book 25 Years of Ed Tech. I look forward to listening to the collaborative audio version.

Thanks for sharing this Aaron, it looks as it it will be great. Amazing lineup. Subscribed.

25 Years of Ed Tech: The Audio Version

Microsoft Thinks You’ve Been Missing Your Commute in Lockdown – WSJ

Teams’ morning commute experience hasn’t been finalized, but will involve asking users to write a short list of things they want to accomplish that day, Ms. Janardhan said. It also will ask how users are feeling before they start work. If they say they are feeling overwhelmed, the virtual commute assistant will ask if they want to block time off in their calendars to focus on work or de-stress.

John Naughton though this was a spoof.

I’d love to block out some time in my calendar to de-stress but I don’t think this one is aimed at a school day.

The last thing I want to do in a commute (real or virtual) is “write a short list of things I want to accomplish that day”.

I’ve spent the best part of 40 years commuting in one way or another, mostly on trains and latterly by car, so I have experience.

Driving to work I listen to the radio, or podcasts or music. I keep an eye out for the seasons, nature & roadkill. I think, let my mind drift. I might write, in my head, a haiku.

Occasionally I might think about school if I realise the days plan is flawed, or I worry about need to get something done. Wondering how I’ll manage that between 20 to eight and the bell at nine.

I might have a great idea or notion about something I could teach, and work out how to fit it in.

I do not want to systematically want to go through the day taking more time up with routine or timetables, I want this slack time for myself & serendipity. If I am locked down again, or get into a position where I work from home, I’d rather manage my transition from breakfast to work without a piece of software asking me questions.

Replied to by Steve Bunce (Twitter)
Free, fun and from Monday, come and follow-a-long with your class or at home! Next week at… You can be there live or watch the recordings later #eucodeweek #swiftplaygrounds #coding

EU Code Week 2020 – Quick Start to Coding with Swift Looks great Steve.

Listened Bryan Mathers from
Bryan Mathers (@BryanMMathers). If you've ever had the chance to look at the stickers tattooed on an educational technologist's laptop, chances are you've come across some of Bryan's @visualthinkery. In this episode, we chat about how words going into Bryan's ear turns to art coming out of his stylus.

Enjoyed listening to Terry Greene @greeneterry, interview @BryanMMathers about his visual work in education and other areas. Bryan’s working methods sound very relaxed, love the remix riffs.

Replied to Learning through frustration | Open Thinkering by Doug Belshaw (
the assumption that everything can be broken down into a sequence that can (and should) be learned by people in the same order. I just think, for me at least, learning doesn’t work like that.

Learning does not work for me like that either Doug, serendipity, excitement, rabbit holes & fascination are usually the drivers for me.

something kicks in

& then I am lost in it. I often believe this will change lots of things and emerge blinking to reality.