Bookmarked Stack ’em up, zoom ’em down by Sheila MacNeill (howsheilaseesIT)
Why? Just why? If you are running a virtual classroom then you and your students are not all in the same room, so why pretend? Why create a false visual hierarchy? What purpose does it serve except to extend and enhance a false sense of “normality” and control with students neatly staked in rows and the teacher at the “front”. Why try to re-create an old fashioned notion of a classroom and badge it as the “future now”.

More interesting thoughts around teaching va video conference.

Se also RE: Cameras on or off and Cameras On

I think Sheila nails the newness of this. Although we have been using video conferencing in education for a longish time, in internet years, we are just scratching the surface of it being a mainstay of delivering.

Read Verse Daily: Scarlet Macaws by Pascale Petit
The scarlet macaws want their red back, not puce or pink but rich rubescence. They squawk and screech and growl for the people to give it back.

Just head this on the radio and looked it up.

They don’t want to be eaten.
They don’t want to be sacrificed.
They don’t want to be shot for their celestial light
and lose their teeth and eyes.

Replied to a tweet by Sarah Clark (Twitter)
k, so thoughts on this one. Cameras now can be on for students in Glow. If you were remote, would you want them on? Do you need them on? Essential or not? Would love to hear people’s thoughts on this #TeamMIEEScotland #digilearnscot

A wee bit more grist for this mill:
A Letter of Recommendation In the Age of Zoom – McSweeney’s Internet Tendency

found via Friday 16 October, 2020 – Memex 1.1

#TeamMIEEScotland #digilearnscot