Liked Chrome is Bad (
Short story: Google Chrome installs something called Keystone on your computer, which bizarrely hides what it's doing from Activity Monitor and makes your whole computer slow even when Chrome isn't running. Deleting Chrome and Keystone makes your computer way, way faster, all the time.

Via Aaron.

Surprised I’ve not see this in my feeds yet. I’ve certainly noticed that Chrome can sometimes seem to hog resources and energy on macs. I mostly use Safari and Firefox.

Liked Facebook Takes Out Full-Page Newspaper Ads to Attack Apple’s Changes Strengthening iOS Privacy (Daring Fireball)
Link to:

Here’s the thing. Apple isn’t blocking the ability for Facebook to personalize ads, in any way. Apple is just providing users with control over their own privacy. Users can easily choose to keep providing Facebook (and anyone else) with all the information they want. Or they can choose not to.

Fascinating and weird.

Replied to by Ian Guest (Twitter)

Rising and falling of the sun "at an effective 'shutter speed' of eight years - taken using a pinhole camera made from a drinks can and a sheet of photographic paper - may be the most extreme example of its type." via @NatGeo

This is extremely cool.