Quoted Wikis by john john (John's World Wide Wall Display)
I have an unreasonable desire to keep everything on our own site so this goes against the grain

Given that my old school website has disappeared into the archive and Wikispaces just disappeared, not so unreasonable. I was having indieweb notions 12 years ago. Another reason I like my on this day page.

Quoted Computers have learned to make us jump through hoops | John Naughton by John Naughton (the Guardian)
I realised that what I had been doing was adding to a dataset for training the machine-learning software that guides self-driving cars – probably those designed and operated by Waymo, the autonomous vehicle project owned by Alphabet Inc (which also happens to own Google).
Quoted Cubomania – Theo Kuechel – Medium by Theo Kuechel (Medium)
…the wood amongst the trees….. By deconstructing images into random regular elements it enables us to see the wood amongst the trees, the hidden details we may have missed, the texture of the paint, the stories within stories, the sub plots.

Theo is using a ds106 toy I made a while back. I don’t think I’d really though much about the use of cubomaina images.

Cubomania Gif! makes still jpgs too. I just changed it a little to keep the still images fullsized but resizing gifs to a more sensible 400 pixels wide.

The images in Theo’s post are a lot more illustrative of his ideas that the one here.