Walking on Beinn Ruisg

Walk with Christine.
A cuckoo kept ahead of us on the way up to the dam. A one point going down into the grass and then onto a rock with a large wooly bear in its beak.

A dozen Red deer on the way up from the dam.

At around 11 am, rain expected turned out to be snow, a cold half an hour. Brightened up a little after that.

A good day.


Total distance: 12.46 miles
time moving: 5:33’31”
total time: 6:24’10”
moving speed: 2.24 mph
total speed: 1.95 mph
lowest point: 78 ft
highest point: 2299 ft
elevation gain: 4113 ft
elevation loss: 4137 ft

ardinning loch
Overcast quite cold compared to last week, a little breeze. It rained for a couple of minutes, Cold rain.

The trees are all in leaf now, even the oak starting to unfurl.

Comfrey and apple blossom. Lots of woodruff under the trees.

The small bluebell patches neat the entrance are fully out.

A reed bunting among the other wee birds in the trees near the loch.

A couple of Great Crested Grebe (I think) on the loch.

The moor grass, heather and bracken is still pretty dead. Very dry underfoot today.

Heard a few cuckoos. A couple of jays flew across the moor.

Some lapwings, one harrying a buzzard.

pattern on the water