Bookmarked What If Web – My #pcPopUp2020 Presentation by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (
In A More Beautiful Question, Warren Berger talks about the power and potential of different types of questions. One type that stands out is the simple strategy of asking ‘What If?’ Here then are my thoughts on what if the web were different? #pcPopUp2020 What if people had some sort of ownershi...

#pcPopUp2020 was one of the many online things I’d normally have paid attention to that I’ve missed. Aaron is using the Thread Reader App Micropub publisher which looks interesting too.

Replied to Athole on Twitter (Twitter)
Fascinating stuff:

Not sure about kids but spending so much of the day online is sucking the pleasure out of the digital for me. I’ve nearly always got something digitally playful on the go, daft web pages, weird image stuff, but pretty dry at the moment. I did not expect this.

Replied to Allowing the Space to Fail by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (
Early on in the crisis, our daughter cared a lot about learning online. However, as time has passed, this interest has dwindled. Although this has been difficult, it has has also highlighted the importance of a space to fail in order to learn.

Hi Aaron,
I am seeing a change in engagement with my class over time. I am still getting roughly the same numbers turning up to daily Teams meetings, but a slowing down of ‘handing in’ of tasks. I wonder if this is about not having classmates to spark off each other. Being physically away from the classroom meaning it is easier to skips things and other family routines becoming more important. It is really hard to tell.

Replied to Ben Williamson on Twitter (Twitter)
“Interesting ideas here about a postpandemic "Open School" for the country. But could this really be a public model? Private tech companies have similar visions of schooling without schools. They are already expanding during current school closures too.”

I hope we don’t dive in too quickly. “Private Tech Companies” need to be thought about with care. Open School should perhaps absorb the ideas from Hack Education & Scottish Open Education Declaration.

#openscot #oer