Here are a few specific reasons why you should post:

* Search everything you write. Do you post long comments or issues on GitHub? Do you post on public mailing lists? Post such things to your own site, so you can more easily search everything you’ve written on a topic. Then post a copy to those external destinations.

Lots of other ideas. Including Use a local text editor, I do sometimes. I used to use TextMate pretty exclusively, but drifted away because of post kinds, then blocks. Thinking about it a good bit more since testing WordLand, which I am enjoying.

Replied to 07/23/22 by joe jenettjoe jenett ( (new) (new) ThoughtAsylum

Hi Joe,

Another trio of fascinating links. took me to which the site is made with. Montaigne is a simple tool that allows you to publish any type of website from Apple Notes , the docs are not yet complete but I certainly want to keep an eye on.


Frank & Aaron I did a little more digging. I could not see any kind info in the Rest API representation for a post. Then I saw:

Posting capability via custom REST API endpoint has been removed due improved Micropub support

from: dshanske/indieweb-post-kinds

At the moment I’d be more than happy to post as a draft and set the kind myself. I suspect that I’d reply using the WordPress editor, like now, rather than Drummer anyway.

Listened Microcast #087 — Back in the game! by Doug BelshawDoug Belshaw from Doug Belshaw's Thought Shrapnel
In this microcast, I go through three interesting links from my saved list on Pocket.

Nice to hear Doug again particularly in micro format. I do love a microcast. Lots of podcasts, especially 2 or 3 hosts chatting I find a bit long. I’d rather queueup a few shorter ones for a commute.

Liked a tweet by Sheri Edwards (Twitter)

Introduction to Web Stories (Storytime #1) via @YouTube Open Source. Seems to put the creator in charge-- rather than the platform in charge of your content.

The open source and WordPress plugin make me prick up my ears. I Wonder if the open source means that the WordPress Plugin is self contained? Might be worth a test over the summer holidays.

Reposted a tweet by Banton Primary (Twitter)

The First Lego League

My class had a team in the South of Scotland heats of the First Lego League challenge on Thursday, very proud


Replied to a tweet by erin glass (Twitter)

for the launch of @ProjectReboot, i wrote about how edtech trains students to accept an exploitative, surveillant web, and how we might use it instead to cultivate critical digital citizens capable of shaping the tech they use

The linked article, Edtech Needs Recoding to Transform Student ‘Users’ Into Digital Citizens – The Reboot is interesting.

Institutions have chosen to submerge students in a culture of computing that normalizes surveillance, exploitation, and control as if these were the objective features of computing itself. Can technological practice within education look any different?

A part of the suggested solution

supporting students to collectively design and govern their educational tools. There’s no better way to show them how tools can affect their thinking and social interactions, and to prepare them to critically shape the technologies that in turn shape our world.

I wonder how this can be addresses in primary & secondary education. The normalisation of the culture begins, surely, in the home & early education. I wonder if many educators even start to consider this problem. In my own sector, primary, where would we start?