I do use Twitter for school work, just not comfortably I prefer to post to the class blog & syndicate to twitter. The latest twitter crisis reinforces this.

I’ve never really liked the idea of Twitter or any other service being the official or main channel of schools (or government services). Schools should not be promoting an advertising service. My ideal would some sort of #IndieWeb set up, with micro.blog style aggregation & syndication. Federation might be a close second.

Replied to James Michie (@jamesmichie@mastodon.online) (Mastodon)
Hi @johnjohnston@mastodon.social, I see you are syndicating posts to Mastodon. Attempting to do the same but have encountered a couple of snags. Wondered if you would mind sharing how you got it working? I went with IFTTT and webhooks.

An interesting question. I use the IndieWeb suite of plugins on my site. It posts webmentions. These can be sent to mastodon via plug-ins and https://brid.gy which also feeds comments back to my own site via webmentions.
I quite often just POSSE manually as it makes me a little more thoughtful.
Bridgy can also syndicate to twitter, pinboard & GitHub.

Small, scoped areas within a graphical interface that allow users to read and write simple programmes

Had me at HyperCard

The remarkable thing about HyperCard is it gave users an enourmous range of control and flexibility. It came with a high-level, built-in programming language called Hypertalk that let users any edit any element on a card.

And made me click:

Fermat is a new spatial interface for brainstorming with generative AI systems. Similar to some of the apps I pointed out Spatial Web Browsing, it gives people an infinite canvas to lay out their ideas and then riff on them

Great read with lots to think about. I wonder do we consider this space:

HyperCard was a hit in its day. Users talked about how empowering it was to create beautiful things quickly and easily, without needing to know how to programme. 

In education enough?

Bookmarked Decker (beyondloom.com)
Decker builds on the legacy of HyperCard and the visual aesthetic of classic MacOS. It retains the simplicity and ease of learning that HyperCard provided, while adding many subtle and overt quality-of-life improvements, like deep undo history, support for scroll wheels and touchscreens, more modern keyboard navigation, and bulk editing operations.
Liked Dear Elon Musk by Manton ReeceManton Reece (manton.org)
We’re on the eve of the Elon Musk / Twitter deal closing. In his Dear Twitter Advertisers letter, Elon writes: The reason I acquired Twitter is because it is important to the future of civilization to have a common digital town square, where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy mann...

The common digital “square” should be the entire web, with a diverse set of platforms. There should be common APIs but many communities with their own rules, goals, and business models. Concentrating too much power in only a couple social media companies is what created the mess we’re in. The way out is more platforms, free to make the best decisions for their users knowing that there are options to leave and less lock-in for developers.

Manton always seems to hit the nail on the head.