Read seven steeples by Sara Baume ★★★★★ 📚
October mornings peeled the night cloud back to its subcutaneous lilac tissue.
The leaves earned their name by leaving the trees.
A couple drop out and slowly dissolve into nature. Dreamy poetic prose.
Read seven steeples by Sara Baume ★★★★★ 📚
October mornings peeled the night cloud back to its subcutaneous lilac tissue.
The leaves earned their name by leaving the trees.
A couple drop out and slowly dissolve into nature. Dreamy poetic prose.
I’ll share people’s sites I follow and enjoy. I’ll also suggest some feed readers to try out along with other related resources. I’ll use the tag/hashtag #FeedReaderFriday to encourage the website to website conversation. If you’re interested in the experiment, do come and join me and help to spread the word.
#FeedReaderFriday: A Suggestion for Changing our Social Media Patterns | Chris Aldrich
Feed readers allow you to ‘follow’ websites something of the same way as you follow accounts on Twitter, mastodon and the like. Feed readers are different in that the feeds they read are, mostly, on the open web. Feed Readers use RSS to pull content from other sites for you to read. If you listen to podcasts in an app you are using a Feed Reader, the app. Podcasts like blog posts are distributed via RSS.
Chris suggests What is a feed? (a.k.a. RSS) | About Feeds to get started.
My main feed reader is Inoreader. It has been the one I’ve used most since the demise of Google Reader. It allows me to quickly read or skim a lot of blogs and organise that reading in a variety of ways.
More recently I’ve been using FeedLand. FeedLand is a development by Dave Winer who has an amazing pedigree in software development, RSS in particular.
FeedLand is a really interesting product, still under development but ready for use. FeedLand allows you to collate RSS feeds either by adding them yourself or by seeing what feeds other users have added. FeedLand then let’s you to organise, categorise these feeds. FeedLand is a feed reader, so you can read the feeds you follow. FeedLand allow you to publish readers for other folk to read in a few different ways. Here is one hosted on FeedLand and one on my raspberry pi. Both are experiments at the moment. Finally FeedLand allows you to produce a simple feed. Of your own. Here is mine viewed on FeedLand.
So a couple of people I find it interesting to follow via RSS
I am going to try and post for the next couple of Fridays with a wee bit about readers I use and a couple of suggestions for follows.
This is a really nice idea Chris.
I am currently trying out FeedLand Dave Winer’s new project. This is a feed collector & reader. You can also see what other people are subscribing to.
Read: My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Maurier ★★★★☆ 📚
Oh what fun. I was caught up. Great ambiguous ending.
I do use Twitter for school work, just not comfortably I prefer to post to the class blog & syndicate to twitter. The latest twitter crisis reinforces this.
I’ve never really liked the idea of Twitter or any other service being the official or main channel of schools (or government services). Schools should not be promoting an advertising service. My ideal would some sort of #IndieWeb set up, with style aggregation & syndication. Federation might be a close second.
An interesting question. I use the IndieWeb suite of plugins on my site. It posts webmentions. These can be sent to mastodon via plug-ins and which also feeds comments back to my own site via webmentions.
I quite often just POSSE manually as it makes me a little more thoughtful.
Bridgy can also syndicate to twitter, pinboard & GitHub.
I keep thinking I’ve seen the last dragonfly of the year, perhaps this ruddy darter (I think) is it?