I am still posting using WordLand from time to time. Dave Winer opened the service to everyone, on Friday. I’m reading round it as much as I can:
Aziz Poonawalla wrote a review to which Dave responded.
Andy Sylvester gave it a try, posting a video of his first use. Andy is thinking aloud, a process I always enjoy watching others do.
Manton noted:
its own RSS feeds outside of WordPress. The feeds have both HTML and Markdown. So you could build platforms (like Micro.blog!) that aggregate user feeds.
Manton Reece
Which points to the idea your blog could be, without the WordPress bit, an RSS feed that can be piped everywhere. For example: It could go to micro.blog and then be pushed on to lots of other places.
It has surprised me that WordPress does not have a bigger range of ways to post. I hope WordLand will start a trend. Personally I do not use one particular editor, depending on the type of post I am making.
John I totally agree, there should be a whole ecosystem of ways to create content that flows thru WordPress. It’s way better than flowing everything thing thru twitter, which we tried, but WordPress implements a much more complete set of features writers want.