Grid of 3x3 images, 8 photos around a map showing where they were taken. from top left: Thistle down; peacock butterfly; red admiral butterfly; stonechat on gorse against a blue sky; map; honey bee on hawkweed; view, sky with cumulus clouds, trees, and grass; mature line of trees; tansy flower
We had a nice walk up to Greenside Reservoir this afternoon. Blue skies & clouds with a fair breeze. Lots of sees, thistles & rosebay all the way. lots of angelica & meadowsweet too. Plenty of butterflies, green veined whites, peacocks, a couple of red admirals and a small tortoiseshell. Quite a few small dragonflies to fast to id. A fox running through the long grass. Plenty of goldfinches.

Liked Identity as a product (Scripting News)
This is about a service that is sold to end users and developers. The users pay for the service, and developers invest in it. Once it’s up and running it will be the foundation for the web as an open platform for users and developers.

Users need storage. I have to provide them storage for their writing in Drummer, and in FeedLand for things like bookmarks, their personal feeds (ones they generate). Again, I have no interest in this. But I have to do it. And I am stuck paying for their files. They should be paying for them.

Though provoking post.

Cannot disagree, I like paying for things. If I had to pay for everything I probably wouldn’t use as many online services. That would be a good thing;-)

I guess another way is IndieWeb owning your own domain via IndieAuth. Might be too much for general adoption, but would be lovely. I’ve no idea if a multiplicity of identity provides would work?