This evening I was having a wee search for World war 2 images for reuse. I hope to be working with a class next term using images as part of there topic work, mashing the images with iMovie. I had a look in the usual places (including http://www.flickr.com/commons/ mostly) but didn’t get what I wanted. Scran have some great phtos but I don’t think we could edit them. So I turned to twitter, with the usual gratifying results now tagged on delicious:
LCC bomb damage maps – a set on Flickr
Flickr: east_lothian_museums’ stuff tagged with worldwartwo
World War II Posters – a set on Flickr
Flickr: PhotosNormandie’s Photostream
I’ve also discovered that pivot allows you to display an rss feed in a post, so this list will update as I add more links to delicious.
At the same time as I was doing lazy research, nearly everyone else i know on twitter seemed to be playing connect 4 with Santa avatars! @nwinton is busy making Santas out of everyone on TwitPic / nwinton. It is this sort of mix that make twitter special, useful and silly at the same time.
If you have any other sources of World War 2 photos that can be reused in class let me know with @johnjohnston on twitter or for:troutcolor on delicious.
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