Read Famous first words: how celebrities made their way on to children's bookshelves
Walliams ... alone accounted for 14.4% of HarperCollins’ £133m revenue last year, and singlehandedly sold a third of the top 50 children’s books of the year: 2.4m copies from 11 books, compared to 4.7m between the rest.

Interesting read on the children’s book market. The point that children do not usually choose their books, parents do, reminds me of the idea most men’s books are Christmas presents.

Most of the books I read are ones my wife has read. This is not at all a bad thing.

3 thoughts on “Famous first words: how celebrities made their way on to children’s bookshelves

  1. How big money pushes starting writers out of the market.

    I doubt that all of these famous persons actually write these books all by themselves.

    They can afford shadow writers, artists etc.

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