I’ve blogged a fair bit about badges but still am conflicted about their value in the classroom. Perhaps because I’ve not used them in anger.
Doug Belshaw when talking at the SQA assessment event last month, lit a wee lightbulb, he said something like: Badges from you community to show others, that is it for me, it is the community that issues the badge that is important. I love my talktina badge badge as I value the community that issued it.

Anyway yesterday I had a quick play with the Displayer API · mozilla/openbadges Wiki · GitHub and came up with a wee page that produces a script that will display a public collection from your open badges Mozilla Backpack

Show My Badges

More an effort to improve my baby steps JavaScript than anything else, this might be of use until something more professional comes long.

Wirelesses by Elsie esq.
Attribution License

Why would you?

  • Listening to audio is more time consuming that reading. It is hard to bookmark interesting section, to scan quickly through content and to skip back and forward.
  • Alternatively audio provides extra information, the sound of voices. Audio can also be consumed while doing other things, driving, washing the dishes walking the dog etc.
  • We have had many wonderful folk send us audio and a tremendous lineup of guests on our live show. Well worth listening to.

On the site

  • Podcast and Radio EDUtalk
  • You can listen to both podcast and the internet radio stream just by using the players on the site. The audio should be played via html5 players when possible falling back to flash. You can also download the audio using the links provided.
  • Listening on the site or downloading individual audio files is fine for casual listening but there are other ways to get the content with less effort and while you are away from your computer..

By subscribing to the podcast feed

  • The podcast has an RSS Feed. This allows folk to ‘subscribe’ to the podcast with podcatcher software. This software will automatically check the feed and download new audio that appears on the site automatically. Most podcatcher can be configured to discard older audio files and can organise the audio in different ways.
  • List of podcatchers – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • On a Computer
  • Mobile
    • Having podcasts on a mobile device is very useful. It means you can listen to podcasts as you travel. Personally I listen t opodcasts while comuting.
    • If you use iTunes you can sync your podcasts to an ipod or iphone.
    • There are also apps which will sync podcasts directly over wifi. Apple provide the podcast app for free. I use Instacast 2, version 3 is now avaliable.
    • Another popular iOS app is downcast.
    • On the android front here are some suggestions. I’d love to have some recommendations from folk I know.

Listening to the radio stream

There are many ways to listen to Edutalk, and other podcasts and Internet radio. You may find this is a great way to get information in addition to reading and watching.

TL:DR Some improvements for listens to Radio EDUtalk including some scheduling. We have an very varied and rich set of content on edutalk contributed to by a wide range of folk.

Over the Summer I’ve got a few things I want to work on. A couple of, to me, big ones. ScotEduBlogs is one, but more of that later on. First I want make a few improvements to the Radio EDUtalk stream.

Until today the stream just plays random pieces of audio from the archive files we uploaded. The files sit on the internet-radio.com server.

I had just been creating 64 kbps versions of any files submitted to the podcast and uploading them. the 64kbps files are fine for voice and keep the cost down. Unfortunately this process, or the way I carried it out had stripped the tags from some of the MP3s which meant that the information displaced on the webpage was not great.

For the last couple of days I’ve been sorting out all of the files I’ve gather over the last couple of years in a haphazard fashion. For the Radio Edutalk live shows this was easy, I’ve exported these at 64 kbps and tagged them in a reasonable fashion, eg they are titled, in the Radio EDUtalk album etc.


Some other files I had exported at 64kbps without tags. I had to add tags to these files, a couple of hundred. To do this I used a combination of SuperCard, applescript and a couple of shell commands, exiftool and id3tool

The same tools were used along with lame to export lots of other audioboo files and add the tags back in. The only problem is with id3tool which can only handle short ID3 version 1 tags, so some longer titles are truncated. (if you really want to see this in action check a quick video. I’ve deleted a chunk of this post which gave details, in the unlikely event anyone else needs to do this sort of thing, get in touch.)

This is not perfect but gives a bit more information to the viewer about what is playing on the radio.

We have space for a couple of GB of mp3 and I have more files than that. The idea is to start a rotation, where I’ll swap out a subset of audio every month or so. Took overnight and a bit to get the first rotation of 370 files up.

Organising a Schedule

Having files with a better set of tags on the server has allowed me to create some playlists which will play at certain times.
For example at 8pm we will have a random episode of the live show, or on alternative days at 7pm Ian Field and Leon Cych will take over for half and hour. The Eduhacking Daily is mostly some teknoteacher with some other contributions. These three folk have contributed the most to edutalk.
Going through the files had an added bonus for me, I now appreciate even more the varied and rich set of content we have.

The Schedule

  • Drive Time 5pm 60 minutes a random selection of shorted episode, eg, not the Radio EDUtalk shows.
  • TeachMeet daily 6pm
  • Radio Edutalk 8pm, one random track from the live shows.
  • EduHacking Daily 9pm 30 Minutes, mostly @teknoteacher
  • Purposed Daily 10 pm 30 minutes
  • IanInShefield Mon Wed Fri 7pm 30 minutes
  • Eyebeams Tue Thu Sat 7pm 30 minutes

I’d love to get some ideas for different selection that we could schedule.

More Info

The changes also mean we can provide more information on the Radio Page, just like this:

Current track: Loading…

An invitation

An invitation to listen to edutalk audio is always open, as I am not responsible for the quality of the content I have no hesitation in saying it is great. I’ll be posting more about differnet ways to listen soon.

There is also an invitation to join in and contribute to the site, in several ways:

  • Record and audioboo or ipadio and tag it edutalk.
  • Record audio anyway you like and email it to audio@edutalk.cc
  • Let us know if you are interested in joining in a live show as a guest by emailing edutalkr@hotmail.co.uk or audio@edutalk.cc
  • Let us know if you would like your own live show, we have lots of time in the week.
  • We are open to any other suggestions too.

I’ve been using Fargo for a bit of blogging recently. This is a test of using markdown to format posts.

Fargo is a simple idea outliner, notepad, todo list, project organizer.
It’s an HTML 5 application, written in JavaScript, runs in any compatible browser, including Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Microsoft IE 10.

A h3 Markdown header

I am hoping that using Fargo to write blogs posts might improve my blog posts by helping me to think about the structure a bit more. I am impressed with how easy it is to move blocks of content around in Fargo.

A html tag H3

I am not sure about Fargo’s business plan, here is what they say (html blockquote)

There is no charge to use Fargo.
We don’t want any limits on the growth because we think outlining is vitally important to the growth of the net as a thinking person’s platform.
We will eventually offer for-pay services to Fargo users.

I’ve put a screenshot of the editor in my dropbox to show what this looks like in Fargo.

Lovely warm, for here, evening for a walk around the Loch Ardinning Nature Reserve.

The path that has been a swamp for the last few months is starting to dry out.
The Balck Linn burn still had a fair bit of water in it.


Very quite evening, a roe was grazing in the reed near the loch, the smell of young bracken everywhere across the moor.
At the end of the walk beside the loch again there were a fair few young frogs leaving the pond and crossing the path.


Walk round the glen Douglas ‘Trio’ today, Beinn Bhreah, Ben Rioch and Tullich Hill
Started cloudy with a bit of drizzle as I squelched up Beinn Bhreah. cheered up by a few groups of Red Deer and a Raven croaking overhead.

Red Deer
I’d forgotten my camera and an iPhone is not the best wildlife at a distance camera.
It began to clear up a bit after I got to the first top:


Walked along to Rioch had some coffee and dipped down to climb up Tullich Hill.
One of the things I like about these hills is how quiet they are, I did not see another walker today, great view of the more glamorous Arrochar Alps too.


Lunch at the top of Tullich while my phone made a wee timelaps video of the cobbler:

Although these are just about highland hills they are covered with rough grass rather than heather. Lots of Bedstraw and Tormentil along with some pink and blue jobs. Some orchids on the wetter parts of Tullich.


Grass filled with vole tunnels too, I nearly stepped on a couple of the wee beasts scooting along the tunnels.
Back down to the road I noticed some new signage pointing to the hills. Selfish twinge that this might mean the walk is a bit busier in the future. Amazing that you can get so alone a short hour from glasgow.

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5 hours 20 minutes, 10 and a half km, 1012m of up.

First published on Fargo moved here 22 Jul 2019

Given the weather was drizzle and rain we waited until after 4 to start this walk. The forecast promised some sun in the evening. This didn’t quite materialise but the rain stayed off.

Plenty of fox gloves and other flora to peer at.

White foxglove #walknote #floraFoxglove

By the time we were heading back to the car it had brightened a wee bit and the clouds had cleared from Ben Ledi across the loch.


About 7 and a half km

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The weather promised to be rainy so I decided to rein in my plans and go on this closer to home walk.
14 deg C in the car when I set off rather late at about 9:30, cloudy and a we bit muggy.
Arrived at the distillery around 10, the weather stayed dry for the whole walk. Low cloud and a stiff breeze. Quite nice to walk in.


Dumgoyne very green now. As usual provides a bit of aerobic exercise before a gentle walk to Earl’s Seat.
Lots of bog cotton bobbing across the moors. A couple of ravens in the distance and a few noisy larks at the trig point.


Needed to put on a jacket after eating lunch at the trig point but in general warm enough.

Here is the kml file on google maps. About 10 and a half k in around 3 and a half hours.

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First published on Fargo moved here 22 Jul 2019

Dull and overcast, looked like it might rain but didn’t. Dorothy and I took a short walk to the Whangie and back.


Pleasant walk lots of bog cotton and larks. Nice Woolly Bear on the path.
#woolybear #walknote
Surprisingly quite for a Saturday morning.