Reposted WordPress Glasgow on Twitter (Twitter)
“Join us this Saturday at @SouthBlockSpace for a full day of #WordPress #OpenSource Step into the community and join the #Accessibility, #Core - #DataPrivacy & #Gutenberg, #Support, #ThemeReview, #Polyglots and #Marketing teams for a fun day!”

Going to pop along to the morning sessions.

Replied to INTERTEXTrEVOLUTION by Greg McVerryGreg McVerry (
It takes me way too much time to teach students how to share a url from their @wordpress blog and to a specific @wordpress post. Need a little UI love me thinks as the failure rate on first time share is well above 50%.

I wonder if this is a WordPress problem or a problem with URLs in general? The way modern browsers hide information may not help?

Replied to INTERTEXTrEVOLUTION by Greg McVerryGreg McVerry (
I think I am going to change my feed syndicating to @microdotblog to be a category. That way I can then control when I am cross-posting and can separate Twitter and Mastodon conversations.

FWIW that is what I do here. This re will not end up on or Twitter I’ve not hooked up mastodon, where I saw your post, yet.