I’ve been messing about with Drummer for a while now. I alway enjoy when a new thing opens up a few rabbit holes. Drummer certainly does that.

Blogging in an outline is different. I’ve done a little before with Fargo. Then I mostly thought about using the outliners reorganisation affordances as the main idea. This time I am seeing more possibilities with the micro, one line posts narrating a day’s work. As I am on holiday this week and not busy I’ve managed a bit of this, not so much work as narrating my play. Back to school on Monday, so I’ll be doing less of that.

One rabbit hole than digging out how some things work in Drummer. Mostly by trying failing and trying again after changing one this. Obviously reading the docs would be better.

It is truly fascinating seeing a little of how Drummer is put together. Reading other users experiences and getting a glimpse into Dave’s mind.

The GitHub site, Issues · scripting/drummerSupport has some great questions and answers. The later provided not only by Dave but other folk. This is also a useful place to help in exploring drummer. The requests and problems found give a bit of insight in how other bloggers think and blog.

Amit Gawande produced a great summary post: Getting Started Blogging with Drummer. This clears a lot up and points to some other good information. I’ve tried to write these sorts of notes when on a new path. I often get dragged down by an error and into a confusing maze to fix that. The notes get skipped or bits missed out. Amit’s are exceptionally clear.

Jack Batty has some drummer notes, a lot of the questions have resonated with me.

Thursday’s rabbit hole was getting my drummer blog to appear on my own domain.

And that tunnel lead to some more raspberry pi thoughts. I though I might get river5 running again. This time on a separate pi, using my, slight, new found reverse proxy knowledge to get it going on river.johnj.info. And I did. Unfortunately, it is really slow. I guess because of the old pi. I also failed to install forever, which might make running things with any consistency. I might dig out a newer pi and try again. Hopefully slightly quicker than yesterday & today effort.

I’ve also been reading Testing HTTPS · Issue #78 · scripting/drummerSupport so made some progression that. I’ve added a cert to river.johnj.info, but I’ve not changed the templates in Old School yet.

Meanwhile I’ve been blogging a bit both to my ‘real’ blog and through Drummer. I cankt imagine at the moment giving up WordPress. I like the archives, search(sic), categorisation & tagging too much. I wonder if these features will come to Drummer is some way. One solution for me would be a way to post from Drummer to WordPress in the same way as you can tweet.

Currently I spend more time reading my blog as opposed to writing it. Nearly all via the On This Day page. I find this endlessly fascinating. Partly seeing old thoughts and how they have repeated and morphed. I also love seeming the seasonal changes reflected through my photos and observations.
Apart from being a new place to play and learn I and still seeing, for me, drummer as a possible place to build, pulling and gathering material that could end up here.

This post turned out to a set of rambles rather than coming to a coherent conclusion.

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