Read: A Thousand Moons by Sebastian Barry ★★★☆☆
This was good fun but I think I prefer his less eventful books such as Annie Dunn.
Category Archives: Micro
Read: Nightingale by Marina Kemp ★★★★☆
I enjoyed this, absorbing description of seasons in France, reviling characters and story slowly. Slight fall away at the end.
Read: The Fifth Book Of Peace by Maxine Hong Kingston ★★★☆☆ I didn’t really enjoy the middle section set in Hawaii, but the last about working with Vietnam veterans was interesting and absorbing.
What a strange day, half my class were in school. I tried to keep it calm. We wrote poems on the playground, posted blog posts & got the paint out. I don’t think children have ever seemed so precious. Tomorrow my 3 primary 7s may have their last day in our school.
Really interesting thread about the uk Coronavirus strategy from Professor Ian Donald comes with disclaimer.
Roughly the government want to control the spread of the virus letting the less vulnerable catch it and gain immunity while protecting the more vulnerable.
Schools: Kids generally won’t get very ill, so the govt can use them as a tool to infect others when you want to increase infection. When you need to slow infection, that tap can be turned off – at that point they close the schools. Politically risky for them to say this. link
Does this throw older and vulnerable school staff under the bus? Asking for a friend.
Using Microsoft Office for iPhone a lot today to capture text. I like it much more than Office lens. Much easier & quicker to get text to edit without having to open up Word. Straight to Drafts app in my case.
Watched: Captain Fantastic ★★★☆☆ Great fun. 🎥
I used LO2 (Little Outliner)for a while a couple of years ago, storing the outlines on my Raspberry Pi. A corrupt SD card showed that was not a good idea. Not sure if I am an outline sort of person, but interesting to play with and keep up with.
Read: Middle England
Read: Middle England by Johnathan Coe ★★★★☆ Almost like a series of sketches played very much to my liberal values. Enjoyable rather than thought provoking.
... and the true history of the flat white.
Enjoyed this and the previous episode. Many coffee rabbit holes.
I’d love to hear the speciality espresso vs Italian espresso episode.