A Dictionary of Victorian Slang (1909) | The Public Domain Review a gem from @katexic the preface a delight.
Year: 2017
I’ve had bad luck with a couple of pi-tops. Love the idea, but I ended up just using the pi.
Ardinning Loch a break in the rain this morning.
👍🔗 enjoying, sort of, Zuckerberg’s Preposterous Defense of Facebook – The New York Times
I am often asked about the adoption of Chromebooks and have spent months agonizing how to respond. This article offers food for thought to teachers, administrators, school board members, and policy…
Fascinating article, I’ve always felt that I’d rather do interesting things on native appplication as opposed to a browser. I’ve not spent enough time with chromebooks to agree or disagree but plenty of provocations here.
This looks like an interesting link. My site uses the logo set in the customiser for twitter cards and the like but I’d really like to have different images for different categories or post kinds.
Radio #Edutalk 27-09-17 Frances Bell – Informal Learning & Research in & out of the Academy archive from tonight’s cast with @francesbell
Getting set for 8pm
Radio #Edutalk Frances Bell – Informal Learning and Research in and out of the Academy http://www.edutalk.info/?post_type=show&p=175599515
Some serendipity here Brassie Beach -evaluate-sequence subtract on Flickr
Just got SoundSource: A Superior Sound Control for free as I already own some Rogue Amoeba apps.