We had a great morning at School today Mrs Pericles and Mrs Dyer from Sydney, Australia. Mrs Pericles’s class blogs at 5/6P AllStars so it was great to have real contact with someone we had read about so much.
They were our very first Guest Bloggers on Sandaig Otters. The children were very impressed, although professional that I am not, I’d forgotten to tell them to think up good ‘Australia questions’ when I had told them of the visit. They manged to think of a few and put the allStars on the map for us.
Interesting too that Mrs P had many of the same ideas, concerns and interests as I did. She told me a wee bit of their 5/6P AllStars » Game2Learn Project which sounds very interesting. I’d love to give this a go and will be trying to find out more, maybe Derek can point me in the right direction.
Hopefully we can organise some slightly more organised online connections with the allStars maybe involving the fluffy kangaroo that Mrs P left. Strangle none of the children suggested Skippy for its name, but I’ll work on them. I think we might start with a blog a school tour with ‘Skippy’ for the allStars and maybe post them an otter. It would also be great to organise some sort of game creation link, but I need to learn a bit about that first.
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