@jgmac1106 you might be interested in these css animation experiments:

Not an animated gif – 106 drop in

CSS phenakistiscope

More phenakistoscope


This is a jpg that is 10560 pixels wide.
Bookmarked Flippity – heck this could be useful! by Alan Stewart (Alan Stewart's AT Blog)
In its own words flippity allows you to: Easily turn a Google™ Spreadsheet into a Set of Online Flashcards and Other Cool Stuffv

I saw this on Alan Stewart’s blog. It looks really useful. I did something similar when I made a Fridge for poetry. This allows you to customise the images & word list via a google spreadsheet. Not as professional looking as Flippity…

Could be useful for Glow users given Glow now gives access to Google for some LAs (Not mine Alas).

I wonder if something similar could be done with Excel in O365? It doesn’t appear to be as easy to connect from webpages as a google sheet?

Bookmarked How to Let Visitors Search All Your Blogs on Micro.blog (and elsewhere) by Brad Enslen Micro Blog (rantinggit.com)
I just added an Advanced Search to my Micro.blog hosted blog. I have 2 domains for two blogs one on Wordpress and one on Micro.blog. I found Duckduckgo Search Box creator would let me do a site search of several domains at one time. I created a search box for both domains. 2. I created a new Page...
Liked Paul Hamilton on Twitter (Twitter)
“Using #keynote, @scratch and #clips to put this little tutorial together. Creating animation sketch sequences in Keynote and then bringing to life with Scratch 3.0 So much fun!! @AppleEDU #everyonecancreate Also introducing some Maths X and Y concepts with Scratch background. https://t.co/8unth9wnlh”