Replied to Searching for my #IndieWeb WordPress Exit Plan by Greg McVerryGreg McVerry (
It maybe some time before I start th move from WordPress. This is about developing the exit plan. Not jumping from the plane while I try to put on the chute.

Hi Greg,

I’ve had my own struggles with getting IndieWeb working here too. I’ve a fair bit I still need to sort out.

I wish I had a bit more time to play/work with this stuff, I don’t think I’d fix any problems but I might get things here working more to my liking.

I do think that WordPress is the best chance of getting the IndieWeb working for the rest of us. The other approaches seem to technically daunting for me.

On getting webmentions to work I found the WP Crontrol plugin useful. It lets you see the webmentions queueing up and you can run them manually. That might be worth a punt.

Anyway, good luck and I’ll be very interested to see what you come up with.

I am sure I’ve read/heard @manton stating the same thing, he is in favour of other like communities.

I’ve been a member of a few educational communities and projects built round aggregations of blogs. I’ve even set up one or two wee ones.

There folk need to go out from the central hub to individual sites to join the conversation. If, and it is a big if at the moment, all the sites had webmentions enabled I am sure it would be possible to reply straight on the hub, but the reply would be sent to the original post.

This would need a bit of work on the hub, it would incorporate something like quill as a method of replying. Perhaps it would be simple to do with FeedWordPress just adding a link to pop the quill editor up… But the harder part if for community members.

For most people installing and configuring the themes and plugins needed for WordPress is a bit of a barrier. Setting up another system would be too I think.

In the future, when hubs like abound, I’ll be able to be part of many communities using this site, categories or an other taxonomy will direct posts to one or more hubs when needed.

Replied to Extending The Spaces You Need To Innovate (Further considerations) by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (Read Write Collect)
P.S. If comments are the cassette tape of the digital world, not sure what metaphor you would recommend for a comment syndicated from your own site?

Fascinating post Aaron, and an great example of why comments, linking and blogging. Just starting to follow the links in this comment took me into both familiar and new; people, places and ideas.

Just on the comment quote, your post, a comment exemplifies the power of commenting from your own site. A comment on Tom’s would probably have tripped the too many links flag for spam detection.

I do wonder how you approach commenting on sites with out webmentions, like Tom’s? Do you regard them as notes to yourself and your readers rather than replies?