Bookmarked Are tiny conferences and meetups better than big ones? (Doug Belshaw's Thought Shrapnel)
Over a decade ago, a few Scottish educators got together in a pub for a meetup. This spawned something that is still going to this day: the TeachMeet. I’ve been to a fair few in my time and, particularly in the early days, found them the perfect mix of camaraderie and professional learning.

Doug quotes How to Host or Attend a “Tiny” Conference

eight pointers for running a successful ‘Tiny Conf’:

  1. Keep it ‘tiny’
  2. Make it application and invite-only

I think I agree totally about the value of small. Not so sure about invite-only might miss some serendipity…

There have only been a few TeachMeets in scotland recently, I wonder if it is worth keeping going?

Reposted PressED Conf - A tweeting WordPress conference on Twitter (Twitter)
“Hey #PressEd people. We're aiming to make the next PressEd twitter conferenxe as equitable as possible. We welcome your thoughts and suggestions. RTs gratefully appreciated”

I enjoyed PressED, #pressedconf18,  last time, looking forward to seeing the rerun with extra equitably.