Christmas Cannon everyone needs one of these.
Land for the People (Scotland) Bill – Land Matters Andy Wightman’s proposals for a comprehensive Land Reform Bill.
redefine Scotland’s system of land tenure as conditional tenure with (broadly defined) statutory responsibilities as well as rights. The particulars of how these will be interpreted can be set out in secondary legislation. They will include legal duties to conserve natural processes and restore ecosystems.
bobboteck/JoyStick: A simple JoyStick that use HTML5, Canvas and Vanilla JavaScript, for touch and mouse interfaces I used this for a silly wee #ds106 daily. Might be useful for something for school.
WordPress as a game development platform. – Jonathan Bossenger
There is still a lot of work to be done to turn this into a working game, but I’m excited about the possibilities. Stay tuned, because I can see this turning into a bit of a series of posts…
I wonder if we will get to the point when you can make something simple with html/css/JavaScript in the block editor? I don’t think that is the direction this post is pointing, but it made me think.
Pipes is a spiritual successor to Yahoo! Pipes, but if you did not know that site, you can think of Pipes as a visual programing editor specialized on feeds, or a visual shell, or simply as a glorified feed configurator.
Ready to walk? Swipe down.
I think a lot of these links came from Joe, either directly or by wandering from his starting point. He is a serendipity engine.