Quoted Getting there (jeremycherfas.net)
Beyond that, there is a kind of philosophical dilemma, not unlike the original dilemma of owning your own content in the first place. I am utterly dependent on the good offices of other people to maintain the services on which I now depend. Still, at least they're not evil mega-corporations.

Reading: Getting there | Jeremy Cherfas

Although I am really enjoying exploring the indieweb, this point about reliance is always on my mind.  I am relying on so many technologies to be able to do this and we can alway fall back on the evil mega-corporations.

It might be because  I am in a micro.blog bubble at the moment but it does seem that the indieweb stuff is getting slicker and easier to use. When I switched to sempress with a wing and a prayer it felt like an act of faith. It is beginning to feel like a great choice.