I’ve been reading Jim Groom’s bavatuesdays for a few years and though it following ds106:
Digital Storytelling (also affectionately known as ds106) is an open, online course that happens at various times throughout the year.
DS106 is pretty off the wall, but I’ve been inspired by it several times:
- The Radio Edutalk offshoot of EDUtalk follows the tech in DS106 Radio
- Playing with animated gifs and automating their creation
- And the, yet to work, TeachMeet pirate box was inspired by on of next sessions ds106 instructor Alan Levine’s StoryBox
It has occasionally crossed my mind to join in with the course, but the time involved and the creative focus made me reluctant. However I do feel there is a lot to be learnt and some fun to be had by following the course so I started thinking about it. I popped a question in the comment box on Jim’s blog about using pivotx, this blogs software instead of the more usual wordpress. Jim got back very quickly and set me up with an account on ds106 which makes the decision about joining in over
I am a wee bit nervous about jumping into something that requires visual creativity. While I am happy enough editing images, audio and video I am not good at visual thinking or design (many webpages attest to this) I do hope to have some fun around the edges. I am encouraged by Jim’s do what you like and leave the rest and welcoming attitude. I am looking froward to finding out a bit more about how the wordpress mechanics pull the course together and investigating this openest of online learning opportunities for the perspective of a learner and with an eye on my day job.
I’d be interested in knowing if any other Scottish educators are taking the course, perhaps we could offer a bit of local support to each other.
If you are interested in ds106 and want to know more Jim Groom – Wednesday Morning Keynote on YouTube is a great, if crackly, 40 minute intro (the animated gif above if from this).
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