Collage of nine photos showing hills, wildlife, and landscapes of Glen Douglas.

I had a walk around Glen Douglas hills yesterday. Quite warm for the time of year, mostly clouds, with some bright shafts of sunlight. The ground soaking all the wee burns flowing. I don’t think I ever didn’t hear it running.

Red deer stags roaring most of the day. I saw a few small groups here and there. A small tussle between two younger stags on the slopes of Beinn Bhreac. Another chains a rival off between Ben Reoch & Tullich hill.

Not much other wildlife, a stonechat or two, a couple of meadow pipets, the odd raven and a large group of crows. Lots of wee craneflies. Flowers mostly gone, the mood milkwort, bog heather and scabious.

The clouds and sunlight changed constantly. The colours in the early morning especially lovely.

The bottom of Tullich hill was rough going. New trees planted and fenced. Grass long and hides the holes the soil for the tree planting was lifted for, invisible ditches.

Didn’t see anyone all day.

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